[PD] tabread4~ help

Chuckk Hubbard badmuthahubbard at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 03:11:34 CEST 2006

On 8/2/06, briencrean at eircom.net <briencrean at eircom.net> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply it was really helpful but, I have just a couple more questions
> > You don't need to know much about the length other than > to make sure the array will fit all your sound into it.
> As long as I have enough length specified (I just use the soundfiler output) It works fine for one-shot playback. But if I need to loop a sample sometimes I get a click, that's why I thought the length of the array had to be precise and that I need to put guard points in the array?

You could just change the part of the array that gets read, that might
be easier.  I don't use sampling much.  Miller Puckette's book
http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/techniques.htm addresses samplers in Pd at
length, just something to look at some time, it's pretty thick.
I think either way you'll have to search for loop points yourself to
eliminate the clicks.

> I don't fully understand how to do this. I want to use tabread4~ in conjunction with other objects in one case to change the speed and keep the sample at the same pitch and in another case to just change the pitch and keep the sound length the same.
> Is there a way to do this?

What kind of sound?  For a steady note, or something like speech?  For
speech you'd want to look at [rfft~]...  A confusing subject, but fun
to do with Pure Data.


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