[PD] pd-based procedural chord progression database..

Chuckk Hubbard badmuthahubbard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 04:02:47 CEST 2006

On 8/15/06, Mathieu Bouchard <matju at artengine.ca> wrote:

> IMHO, a lydian is a backwards mixolydian in the sense that they're both on
> either side of the ionian mode, if you map the ecclesiastic modes on the
> circle of fifths: F:lydian, C:ionian, G:mixolydian... if you remove
> VII from ionian, it may as well be mixolydian, and likewise, if you remove
> IV from lydian, it may as well be ionian. Any pair of adjacent modes
> on the circle of fifths are only different by one degree, and which
> degree it is also follows the circle of fifths: IV and VII are a fifth
> apart.

It's interesting to consider how a key comes about in the first place
in regards to this.  The major triad is really the only part of the
major scale that's based on the harmonic series; and taking that
structure from three points separated by fifths, where the middle
point is to be the endplace, you get a convenient way to create
tension by moving away from the tonic, while recreating that structure
wherever you go (IV, V).  There's no reason it should only be done
with three triads separated by 3/2 ratios.
Adrian Fokker wrote a book called Just Intonation that amounted to a
compendium of possible ways to create similar structures, but using
other harmonic intervals than the fifth, and other chords than the
major triad.  It's interesting, but grueling.  Great ideas, but the
book isn't much more than a listing.

> If you leave a degree out in a lydian, you can make it sound like it's a
> ionian, and then the real ionian next to it would immediately sound like
> it's mixolydian, right?
> Else, I have no clue how lydian and mixolydian are related.

I've heard of lydian-flat-7, which is like a combination of the
characteristic intervals of both.  I guess it's the fourth mode of the
melodic minor.  Never tried using it though.

> I don't understand music.

I think this isn't so much music as ABC's.  I find the same thing
trying to learn my way around Linux.  The most highly developed reason
and intelligence doesn't do you any good until someone tells you how
the system's set up.  Music itself is something one can intuit to an
extent, but the ABC's, being an artificial and external language for
it, can only be understood from others.


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