[Pd] Scaling Scalars

Chuckk Hubbard badmuthahubbard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 09:55:27 CET 2006

I was thinking I could fix the questionable zoom in my sequencer with
scalar scaling.  Instead of redrawing all the scalars, I would have a
variable by which all of it were scaled.  This doesn't seem to work,
which I expected, but is there some other way?  I tried:
[drawpolygon 0 1 0 0 c(-100:100)(a:b) 0 c(-100:100)(a:b) 10 0 10 0 0]
I didn't think this would work, but is there something else I could try?

The problem is that, as it is, I have a constant 'zoomfact' that feeds
into and out of every function that involves display or timing during
playing, and every scalar in the score is changed by that factor.
Invariably I forget where it goes or what order it should go in and
stuff goes wrong.
I'm curious whether there's a way for one variable to change only the
drawing instructions, but not change the actual values, so that the
timing will be unaffected by the zoom.


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work hard at work worth doing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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