[PD] hid/linux: event permission

Cesare Marilungo cesare at poeticstudios.com
Wed Dec 6 19:05:23 CET 2006

IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> Cesare Marilungo wrote:
>> - First add your account to the 'audio' group:
>> edit /etc/group and find the line that starts with 'audio'. Add your
>> account after the colons. For instance In my '/etc/group' have:
> better use "adduser <user> <group>" (e.g. "adduser cesarem audio").
> this way you have less chance to fuck up your /etc/group file.
Yes, you're right.

But /etc/group is just a plain text without encrypted data, and editing 
it with vi or whatever gives the very same result.

It's easier to fuck up udev.rules, though.

> if you really MUST edit /etc/group, /etc/passwd and their shadowy
> friends by hand, use specialised tools, such as "vipw [-s]" and "vigr [-s]".
> mfga.dr
> IOhannes


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