[PD] Soft synths using pd

padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk
Mon Dec 11 20:15:10 CET 2006

There's only one synth tutorial actually finished, sorry. I've done most of three more which will be up in the new year. If you get stuck on polyphonic voice allocation look at the help example 5.synth - the stuff Frank and Roman are discussing now is advanced dynamic stuff, it's better to learn the old fashioned way with wired up fixed voices first.


>padawan12 escribe:
>> Frank and I are slowly working on a teachin document called
>> "six simple synthesisers". It's a bit immature at the moment,
>> but you can find it on my site. 
>Sure, thanks, can you link me to your site!?
>Cordially, Ismael
>Ismael Valladolid Torres
>http://lamediahostia.blogspot.com/     m. +34679156321
>http://www.flickr.com/photos/ivalladt  j. ivalladt at jabberes.org

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