[PD] Live Apectrum Analyzer

carmen _ at whats-your.name
Thu Feb 1 21:02:04 CET 2007

On Thu Feb 01, 2007 at 09:20:36AM +0000, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 23:48 -0500, carmen wrote:
> > 
> > if you dont mind the analysis being offline, check out sonic visualiser:
> > http://www.sonicvisualiser.org/
> > 
> > CLAM might have one. see a full-color spectrogram in one of the screenshots, but not in the patcher view:
> > http://iua-share.upf.es/wikis/clam/images/8/83/NetEditQt4-PortMonitor-SpectralPeaks.png
> > 
> There is also the old, but still wonderful Ceres3:
> http://www.music.columbia.edu/~stanko/About_Ceres3.html
> > 
> > you'll also want lots of controls to adjust the amplification, logarithmic scaling, color palette, etc..
> > 
> > http://whats-your.name/i/licker.png is what i use , sure it uses more CPU than a C implementation, but its more flexible, and you can plug it in anywhere in your patch..
> Looks interesting. How did you do the visualisation? 

its the normal FFT stolen from one of the demo patches (the one that makes a spectrum snapshot), combined with a HSV2RGB subpatch, and a few lines of Tk to add a line of pixels to an image

>Is the code online
> somewhere?

its sp.wid and sp.pd in this dir:

cvs -d :ext:ix9 at pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co extensions/gui/ix

if you also need [widget]:

 cvs -d :ext:ix9 at pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co externals\
 cd externals/build && scons

i just tested all this w/ 0.41-test04 and it works (SCons even still builds all the externals w/o failing - kudos to whoever didn't delete that :)

i reckon it could probably be sped up by replacing some of the list ops with newer stuff from 0.41, and replacing HSV2RGB with the one from GEM..at the time i couldn't get GEM compiling due to some autotools issue.. oddly it took about 2% CPU on windows, and 25% CPU on a computer twice as fast on linux, if taskmgr and top can be believed, respectively..

> Jamie

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