[PD] (netpd)U(Pd-extended), Pd-ext bug-tracker (was Re: elitism, software and academia)

Enrique Erne pd at mild.ch
Mon Jun 11 13:35:56 CEST 2007

hi Georg

On Jun 11, 2007, at 9:25 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:

>> I am not meaning that people will add to netpd from Pd-extended.
>> Rather, it would be neat to 'steal' the great functional modules that
>> are in netpd and use them as standalone modules for rapid building of
>> non-netpd patches. Say, if a person has been using Reason for a few
>> years, but wants to upgrade. The netpd abstractions that I've looked
>> over on the netpd site seem to be fairly strait forward in GUI and
>> purpose that a Reason Seasoned (couldn't resist the rhyme) user could
>> take these modules and build their own patches with them, APART from
>> netpd.
>> Rather than reinvent the wheel, why not take the fruits of the netpd
>> community and make them accessible to users who might just want a
>> wikkid bassline or GOP mixer abstraction?
> Yes, that's also what I meant - this would be nice ...
> I don't know who is the maintainer of the netpd community - maybe

hehe ... well who is the maintainer of the puredata community ?
the netpd-wiki is open. everyone can edit and add to the wiki and many
did so.

maybe some chosen patches could be converted to work standalone,
but it would be lots of work ... and introduce new bugs.
some systems like the fx-library system for the mixer were
specially developed that different users can develop effects
without touching the mixer itself. somehow that wouldn't make
sense in a standalone version.

> someone could maintain these objects in CVS ? (then this could be also
> used as a central place for checking out the latest patches ...)

well not for netpd itself.

- if they have to be standalone i guess they wouldn't work anymore
with netpd

- if you would include the original patches then i'd rather
add only netpd and let the user download the newest patches over netpd.

- an other disadvantage of the cvs (please correct me if i'm wrong)
one has to be pd-dev to make changes in cvs, that means not everybody
could add netpd-patches to the central place ...

also in my eyes the netpd wiki is _not_ the central place to add
patches. it is only a public place to show some patches or write
documentation for it.

i think the central place to add netpd-patches is netloading patches
in _creator.pd .

btw. mMm is working standalone but unlike a netpd-instrument
it doesn't use the usual netpd-abstractions.

so far... well i have to go back to work and would like to know
romans opinion about this topic.


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