[PD] A system to read individual pixels from an image

Batuhan Bozkurt batuhan at batuhanbozkurt.com
Thu Sep 6 01:09:51 CEST 2007


I'm mostly using the audio capabilities of PD and now I need this 
functionality to port my image synthesizer I've made in Max/MSP 
before(which was a pain while building because of the audiorate rounding 
errors in Max/MSP) to PD. I was using the LCD object in there.

The functionality I need is:
* I want to be able to read images into a window to see its 
contents(being able to load uncompressed images are enough)
* A message like "getpixel x y" should return me the RGB values of that 
* It would be nice to be able to draw single pixels with mouse at 
least...(can be implemented with something like "setpixel x y r g b"

I know that people are doing fancy stuff with GEM and other libraries 
but I really don't know what to chase for this simple task.

Thanks in advance


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