[PD] First time PD troubles: A programmers confusion.

Frank Barknecht fbar at footils.org
Fri Nov 9 07:59:22 CET 2007

Chuckk Hubbard hat gesagt: // Chuckk Hubbard wrote:

> [float 0] or [f 0] is an instance of [float]; it has the property 0, which
> can change, and float, which can't; it has one method to replace its value
> (a float sent to its right inlet), one method to send a message of its value
> (a "bang" message to its left inlet), and one method to do both in that
> order (a float to the left inlet replaces and then sends a message).  Where
> it sends the messages it sends, and from where it receives the instructions
> it receives, are not for the object itself to worry about.
> The [+ 1] object has one method to add 1 to its input and output the result
> (a float to the left inlet); a method to replace the argument 1 (float to
> the right inlet); and if I'm not mistaken, it also remembers its last
> left-side input, so if it has already received a float to the left inlet,
> then a "bang" to the left inlet repeats the operation the same as before.
> AFAIK there are no other methods of the [+ 1] object; anything it does is
> one of those three things.  Not including error checking (it won't accept a
> symbol as input or argument).

To illustrate that with Python: 

class Float(pyext._class):
    """[float] in Python"""

    # constructor
    def __init__(self,*args)
        self.stored=args[0] or 0

    def bang_1(self):
        "Bang into first inlet: send float to outlet"

    def float_1(self,f):
        self.stored = f

    def float_2(self,f)
        self.stored = f

class Add(pyext._class):
    """[+ ] in Python"""

    # constructor
    def __init__(self,*args)
        self.stored = 0
        self.add=args[0] or 0

    def bang_1(self):
        "Bang into first inlet: send float to outlet"

    def float_1(self,f):
        self.stored = f + self.add

    def float_2(self,f)
        self.add = f

# use it:
f0 = Float(0)
add1 = Add(1)
connect((f0, outlet0), (add1, inlet0))
connect((add1, outlet0), (f0, inlet1))
for i in range(10):
    send_bang_to(f0, inlet0)

The classes are actually almost valid code.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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