[PD] Refactoring a PD patch

Chris McCormick chris at mccormick.cx
Wed Dec 12 03:49:08 CET 2007

On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 08:28:03PM -0600, Mike McGonagle wrote:
> On 12/11/07, Andy Farnell <padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk> wrote:
> It would be a very welcome addition Mike,
> >
> > I print a lot of Pd diagrams for teaching and publications
> > and spend a fair amount of time tidying patches by hand.
> Yup, and that is the goal.

Aparently Max/MSP, and (I think) DesireData have key strokes that can do
a lot of the hard work for you with regards to aligning and distributing
boxes. There is a video of this kind of action floating around somewhere
that's been posted to this list a couple of times. I feel that this
might be more useful than a blunt patch tidying master algorithm since
it gives the user more control over the layout.

I've always thought it would be cool to have a patching system that is a
bit like a spreadsheet with margins between cells so that cells are
arranged in a fixed and easy to read pattern and patch cords all run in
the margins. This would make creating patches faster as you could use
tabs and carriage returns between cells etc.




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