[PD] pdlua output

robcanning robcanning at eircom.net
Wed Jan 23 15:41:11 CET 2008

also, the code works in lua but not in the pdlua object
somewhere i am getting mixed up between floats lists strings atoms 
tables etc. but i cant see where

here is the working lua code

 > tbl = {}
 >  table.insert(tbl, '1, s22df, 1, score = 3')
 >  table.insert(tbl, '1, s22df, 1, score = 2')
 >  table.insert(tbl, '1, s22df, 1, score = 1')
 > for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do if string.match(v, "score = 1", 1, true) 
then print(v) end end
1, s22df, 1, score = 1



> i'll clarify a bit...
> i add a list to a table with:
> -- "insert [list]" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_insert(list)
>    table.insert(self.mydata, list)
> end
> then i search the table for the pattern "score = 1" and ask it to 
> print the lines containing the matched pattern
> -- what to do on "scores" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_scores()
> for i, v in ipairs(self.mydata) do
> if string.match(v, "score = 1", 1, true) then
> self:outlet(1, "list", v) end
> end
> end
> the problem is that the string.match is expecting a string and getting 
> a table and i'm not sure how to fix this - i thought the ipairs was 
> iterating the table into a string  but its not.
> here is the error from pd:
> [string "rob2"]:19: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got 
> table)
> lua and lua files attached
> any guidance welcome,
> thanks
> rob c
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> local NAME_OF_CLASS = "rob2"
> local M = pd.Class:new():register(NAME_OF_CLASS)
> function M:initialize(name, args)
>     self.outlets = 2
>     self.inlets = 1
>     self.mydata = {} 
>     return true
> end
> -- "insert [list]" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_insert(list)
>     table.insert(self.mydata, list) 
> end
> -- what to do on "scores" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_scores()
> for i, v in ipairs(self.mydata) do 
> if string.match(v, "score = 1", 1, true) then 
> self:outlet(1, "foo", v) end 
> end 
> end
> -- what to do on "print" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_print()
>     for k,v in pairs(self.mydata) do
>         pd.post(k .. ": " .. table.concat(self.mydata[k], " "))
>     end
> end
> -- what to do on "reset" into 1st inlet:
> function M:in_1_reset()
>     self.mydata = {}
> end
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #N canvas 123 334 512 437 10;
> #X msg 52 64 print;
> #X msg 53 86 scores;
> #X obj 17 131 rob2;
> #X msg 17 43 insert s d d d 2 2 2 2 w score = 1;
> #X msg 54 106 reset;
> #X obj 17 161 prepend set;
> #X msg 17 183;
> #X obj 17 11 loadbang;
> #X connect 0 0 2 0;
> #X connect 1 0 2 0;
> #X connect 2 0 5 0;
> #X connect 3 0 2 0;
> #X connect 4 0 2 0;
> #X connect 5 0 6 0;
> #X connect 7 0 3 0

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