[PD] GSoC Organization App 2008 wiki page

marius schebella marius.schebella at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 01:18:41 CET 2008

Jamie Bullock wrote:
> BTW, I also wonder if we would have a better chance if we had some kind
> of already established 'Foundation' - I see this word popping up a lot
> on the participating organisations page. I know Pd enjoys its
> de-centralised status, but having some kind of semi-formal 'Foundation'
> seems to help with things like funding applications. What do you think?

hey jamie,
I think it would have been easier, but I am not sure if it would have 
been better. I tried to push something like that in the past, but any 
group you want to found would never represent all interests. I think 
there are different "interest groups" in the pd community, but as you 
said, some centralized "government"... don't think so.
Today I would say, let's go for a foundation, but the foundation would 
not be "the" pd foundation, just "a" foundation.
I think foundations help to channel and bundle efforts like summer of 
code, coding in general, bugfixing, documentation, tutorials, website, 
forums, meetings, grants, donations, art events, pd conventions... it 
could support a special distribution like pd-extended or a special 
branch like desiredata or even a special pd-application like netpd.
I also think that people who want to donate money should have the 
possibility to do so. right now there is none.

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