[PD] background color of instances of abstraction

marius schebella marius.schebella at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 15:11:50 CEST 2008

Atte André Jensen wrote:
> marius schebella wrote:
>> either put a canvas in the background and change it via send/receive
> This seems like an easy thing, but I get "cnv: no method for 'float'". 
> What message could I send to a canvas to make it red?

you have to send a message like "color 16" to the canvas, for details 
have a look at the helpfile for canvas (see the subpatch pd edit).

>> or 
>> use sys_gui in combination with hcs/canvas_name which lets you change 
>> the font/bg colors of your patch dynamically.
> That won't do. It seems that the background color of a patch set this 
> way, won't "shine through" to a parent. So since I'm trying to make is 
> visible which of several instances of the same abstraction is currently 
> running, this seems not to be what I need...

to bad, you are right. background colors are not working with Graph on 
parent. I guess that is a bug, sorry,


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