[PD] [#store] grid index

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Sat Jun 26 07:14:43 CEST 2010

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010, patko wrote:

> Gridflow has to reach a kind of complexity level that makes it very 
> sensitive, from what I understand. Wouldn't it be possible to make a 
> PureData version that is managing data correctly in regard of grids?

We will have to rediscuss this, here or on the #dataflow channel, to make 
sure I know what you are thinking about. I'm not super sure because you 
wrote that just below the paragraph about the GRID_FLOW {} sections, 
instead of above it...

About float vs list, well, it isn't that terrible, we don't need a 
separate version of PureData, I simply think that if anyone wants to do 
anything whatsoever about it, first PureData should be fixed related to 
itself, as you can get "no method for 'float" or "no method for 'list'", 
whichever it was, by using [t f] or [t l] on right inlets of absolutely 
ordinary objects of vanilla, and AFAIR, it's not documented anywhere.

I'm much more interested in fixing the hole of GRID_FLOW, making [#t] as 
irrelevant as possible. It's an annoyance, and even more important, a 
shame, as it's hard to explain the problem and especially hard to justify 
its existence, and it's really GridFlow's problem and no-one else's.

>>> hartelijk
>> hein ?
> c'est du néerlandais, c'est marrant comme language, je n'y vois rien qui 
> ressemble au latin, du coup chaque nouveau mot sonne comme un peu comme 
> un nouveau mode d'éternuement je trouve.

Ouais, mais... "hartelijk" = "chaud", alors que l'italien "ciao" qui 
s'écrit "tschau" en allemand s'est retrouvé prononcé comme "t'chaud" par 
certains français qui l'ont lu et savaient pas le prononcer, et c'est 
semble-t-il resté. alors, je me demande, y a-t-il un lien ? ;-))))

t'chaud !

  _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

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