[PD] 3 new gui-plugins

yvan volochine yvan.pd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 12:54:54 CEST 2011

On 04/03/11 23:37, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I'm trying to think if there is a way to keep or get the coordinates of
> the object itself. On the C-side there is, plus when an object is
> created or edited then the GUI knows the location of it. Here's how, in
> your pdtk_text_editing, you just need to query the coords of the active
> text widget. This is a rough attempt that just gets a menu popping up:
> proc pdtk_text_editing {mytoplevel tag editing} {
> set tkcanvas [tkcanvas_name $mytoplevel]
> set rectcoords [$tkcanvas coords ${tag}R]
> if {$rectcoords ne ""} {
> set x [expr int([lindex $rectcoords 0])]
> set y [expr int([lindex $rectcoords 1] - 20)]
> pdtk_post "currently editing at: $x $y\n"
> if {! [winfo exists .completepopup] } {
> menu .completepopup
> .completepopup add command -label mod -command bell
> .completepopup add command -label moses -command bell
> }
> tk_popup .completepopup $x $y
> }
> if {$editing == 0} {
> selection clear $tkcanvas
> # auto-completion
> set ::completions {}
> set ::new_object false
> set ::lock_motion false
> set ::cycle false
> } {
> set ::editingtext($mytoplevel) $editing
> # auto-completion
> set ::new_object $editing
> }
> $tkcanvas focus $tag
> }

hi Hans
dunno if this is the same for you but for me there are some issues with 
this (on Archlinux + fluxbox):

- the popup is created at "screen coordinates" and not patch window 
ones, i.e. if the object box is at 100x25 (from the top-left patch 
window), the popup appears at 100x25 from the top-left corner of my 
whole screen, which I find not very intuitive

- also, if you are creating an object with CTRL-1 and moving your mouse 
(no click), the coordinates don't update (but that's not that bad)

anyway, all these are the reasons why I dropped the popup option (which 
would be better IMHO).

I'll think a bit more about it in the next days.


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