[PD] Web Netiquette Re: Making Musical Apps: a book about libpd

Julian Brooks jbeezez at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:42:30 CET 2012

Just sent this to the eightycolumn list.  I'm not going to even read any of
the messages from the original post.  I'm Sorry, ok.

Oh dear...

"I am guessing you are pointing to the fact that libpd encourages the
production of proprietary software and their distribution on closed apps

Yes absolutely, plus the whole
working-towards-type-stuff (idealistic idiot that I am).

Also seems like such a clear distinction between OSSvsFSF/FLOSS stuff.  Yes
I can see that on one side what's wrong with libpd sucking the core out of
Pd and doing what they want, that's what the license/gift allows people to
do.  Then after that I guess it's also okay for the author to get on the
pd-list with a 'buy my book' schtick (plus then a large cue of people
saying how happy they are to get their amazon order in now; kindle version
yours for £10, ebook an extra 2.50 even if you've bought the book - grrr),
can you see where this is going?

So yes, then some guy from the publisher posting a link to an online review
and 'hey pd's kewl man' tipped me over the edge.

Yes it's dumb
Yes I'm going to spend the rest of the day cringing and apologising
Yes I've recently stopped smoking and am somewhat psychotic.

Probably would have been better to have gone for a walk or something.

Anyway, onwards eh,

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