[PD] Re : store and manipulate multiple lists

Lorenzo Sutton lorenzofsutton at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 15:12:54 CET 2012

On 15/03/12 14:57, Benoît Fortier wrote:
> My problem is similar to your case b. Maybe I shoud mention at this 
> point that the lists are midi messages, and the first number of each 
> lists are timestamps.
Did you have a look at qlist?
> I'm looking for a solution within pd. I shall have a look at all your 
> suggestions, they look all very good. The [coll] object seems to be 
> the easiest solution to adapt to my patch, but I don't like the fact 
> that the [sort< fonction strips out the number it uses to do sorting, 
> in my case the timestamp which is off course an important information. 
> But well, thats quite easy to fix.
> For your interest, the goal of the patch is to create a text file 
> which will be converted into a midi file using [seq]. It seems that 
> [seq] works well only with sequentially ordered midi messages.
Not sure on what operating system you are... but if you are on linux you 
might explore connecting Pd to a sequencer. But of course in this case 
the 'all within Pd' parameter falls.


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