[PD] Extracting delimeters in OSC ??

Roman Haefeli reduzent at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 16:32:57 CEST 2012

On Mon, 2012-03-26 at 18:00 +0400, Фывапр Олджэвич wrote:
> Seems it is still a problem.
> We can't unpack list from VVVV, sent to one OSC channel of UDPrecieve... 
> I think it is because of the delimiter problem... it is recognised by PD as a list element.. 

I think the real solution would be to send proper OSC messages from VVVV
in the first place. What I mean: it would make sense to make use of the
appropriate data types supported by OSC. It's perfectly possible to pack
many numbers (floats or ints) in one OSC message. An OSC message
containing many floats will be much easier to parse on the Pd side,
since [unpackOSC] will create a real list of Pd floats then.

It seems what you (respectively VVVV) is doing here is to compose a
string containing all the numbers and putting that into an OSC string.
[unpackOSC] will (correctly) unpack that as a Pd symbol and you end up
having all the numbers in relatively inaccessbile in a symbol. I don't
know VVVV at all, so I can't tell you whether VVVV can do better.

> Any help how to extract one particular element form list ?
> So we have a list of 100 elements, and every second of which is SPACE or COMA .. e.g. :  29,51,34,11,123, 
> How can I extract COMAs from this to get just pd's appropriate list ? 
> Any object to find and extract delimiter ?

I think it was already suggested. If you have a Pd symbol
'29,51,34,11,123', you could use [symbol2list] to convert that to a list
with floats: 29 51 34 11 123


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