[PD] netserver issue

Roman Haefeli reduzent at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 14:53:41 CEST 2013

On Son, 2013-04-07 at 19:16 +0200, Jeppi Jeppi wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a limit of about 256 floats that be sent as a single message
> with [netserver]? I attach an example which makes pd explode as soon
> as the long message is sent with the client connected or not.

[netserver] is from maxlib which has not really a maintainer anymore, as
far as I know. This probably makes it unlikely it will get fixed. On the
other hand, it's probably an easy fix to increase that buffer.

On the long run, I wouldn't recommend using it. There is also
[tcpserver] from iemnet which does not speak FUDI, but plain TCP and
which is much more mature and still has a maintainer. There are many
ways to make [netserver] block Pd completely (if not crash), especially
if many clients connect to it - and all those issues are fixed in

Since [tcpserver] deals with plain bytes, you'd need to find a way to
encapsulated your float numbers into the byte stream and also a way to
delimit the so created packets. This would probably look like this:

[slipenc 16384]
[list prepend send <socket-no>]
[list trim]
[iemnet/tcpserver <port>]
[slipdec 16384]

This would allow you to send messages like:
'/someaddress <float1> <float2> <float3> ... <float1000>'

The first argument given to [slipenc]/[slipdec] would define your
maximum packet size.

> If so, would it be a way to allow for larger buffers? 

I haven't checked, but probably you'll find some buffersize definition
in the source code. You could increase that value and re-compile. If I
remember correctly, it is set to 4kB which matches with your experienced
limit of 256 float numbers, if they are of the form 0.12345 (count the
spaces between the numbers).


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