[PD] repeating data in array or looping the data when reading?

Ronni Montoya ronni.montoya at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 10:30:12 CEST 2013

Hi again, I'm creating some structures iterating geos using the "repeat" object.

I have tables with data(colors) and I'm applying a different color to
each iterated geo.

If my array has 20 values (20 colors)  and then i iterate 20 times a
geo, then each geo is gonna have a different color.

But if i iterate 40 times then i will only have the first 20 geos
colored and the rest is gonna be black.

I was wondering which should be the best approach in pd to solve this problem.

I need that instead having  black  geos i need that it can loop the
values in the array , in that way it wouldn't mind to have more
iterated geos than values in my array.

Other approach i was thinking  is creating a large table , and then
filling only with 20 color values, and then repeat the data through
the whole table.

I was wondering which should be the best approach for this? how can i
repeat the data of my array?



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