[PD] threads in pd, dataflow

Simon Wise simonzwise at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 04:04:54 CET 2014

On 22/02/14 06:28, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> On 02/21/2014 06:41 AM, Simon Wise wrote:

>> Something to really make pd parallel would involve treating fan-outs as
>> opportunities for the interpreter to launch each branch in a new thread,
>> implementing the inherent parallelism in the dataflow paradigm (e.g. in
>> the pd definition of fan-outs as being executed in undefined order). Here
>> the trigger object is used to force sequential execution where required,
>> just as it is now.
> Practically speaking, it's completely different for control than for signal
> domain. For signal domain fanouts there's an understanding that Pd gets
> stuff done when it needs to get done. In the control domain, there's even a
> philosophy of _never_ having fanouts at all. I don't know what the effect
> would be of trying to auto-parallellize a signal diagram, but I'm pretty
> sure trying to auto-parallellize a control diagram wouldn't make much of a
> dent.

I was referring to parallelising using control fanouts only, but didn't make 
that clear. 'No fanouts, always use triggers' is a very sensible policy to avoid 
easily overlooked bugs when, as in pd, fanouts are just an implied trigger with 
an undefined order.

Certainly in many audio patches the messaging load is small compared to the dsp,
except when you add lots of gui elements to the patch. For them parallelising
the messaging like this would indeed be pointless since a 2 thread solution with 
all the control interface in one instance of pd and all the dsp in another with 
both launched together from a script as the 'app' or using [shell] to launch the 
dsp instance makes a lot of sense ... here there is an obvious split for a 
separate thread. Since many modern computers are multicore and the dsp is only 
running on as many threads as you can devise with [pd~]s there is still plenty 
of idle cpu. I believe other languages have addressed parallelising the dsp 
graph in a more automated way but in pd this is done explicitly. For a single 
core raspberry or such the dsp thread can be given a higher priority so at least 
the audio isn't interrupted by too much interaction with the interface.

However pd is used for much more than audio. Dataflow programming is inherently
parallel but the implementation in pd comes from a single core history (well, a
single messaging core controlling a separate dsp if you go back far enough) and 
is sequential. Hence the whole trigger <-> fanout discussion, in pd fanouts are 
not really dataflow fanouts at all, just ill-defined triggers. The 
implementation is a sequential depth first tree traversal and triggers make that 

Even the dsp<->gui problem would be addressed by a proper dataflow 
implementation if it was done well. Keeping all the gui stuff in branches which 
don't have ~ objects should result in these branches being separate threads, and 
well implemented these would not be allowed to block ~ branches. Also splitting 
the dsp graph where ~ objects are in a distinct dataflow branch would make sense 
(there would need to be some decisions regarding exactly what distinct means in 
this context). A good implementation would follow the lead of other languages 
and wouldn't just create zillions of system threads to throw at the OS, but 
rather have a way of grouping them into a smaller number of ongoing system level 
processes. Writing and optimising this would be a huge project, and a patch run 
in a dataflow implementation would not behave in exactly the same way as it 
would in a sequential one, it couldn't.

But it is still an interesting thought experiment in the context of thinking 
about the future of pd in a world where a single thread sequential 
implementation is becoming increasingly problematic ... computers have been 
getting faster by adding cores rather than increasing clock speeds for some time 
now and that is not likely to change any time soon (quantum computing would be a 
whole new game and none of this would be relevant).


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