[PD] [Bulk] Re: Patch rendering theming: color scheme and text wheight

Alessio Degani alessio.degani at ymail.com
Tue Dec 23 18:31:02 CET 2014

Yes, I've just found this and I begin some testing.
However, it seems that it _partially_ works!

I've modified some example script, but the behaviour is different when I 
use my script in pd-vanilla or in pd-extended.

In pd-extended the parameter -fill work as expected: it changes the 
background color of objects. But in vanilla, it changes the border and 
text color. I've tried to use the parameter -background, but nothing 
happened. It seems that in vanilla, the background color can be only 
white. Maybe I've missed something!

Thank you Chris



On 23/12/2014 13:05, Chris McCormick wrote:
> I am not an expert but I think you are right and you can accomplish what
> you want with "tcl plugins" like this:
> https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/scripts/guiplugins/simple_examples/
> There is an example in that directory for changing edit mode look,
> colors, and patch cord too, I think.
> Some other examples of things you can do:
> https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/scripts/guiplugins/
> Here is some documentation about it:
> http://puredata.info/docs/guiplugins/GUIPlugins
> Install your "*-plugin.tcl" file into a "standard path" where Pd will
> search and it will get loaded automatically:
> http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files
> Hope this helps!
> Cheers,
> Chris.


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