[PD] gcc web assembly backend

Lucas Cordiviola lucarda27 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 5 22:01:18 CET 2017

>The result will be a "web native" version of Pd's core that runs in browsers.

Great news!

I'm beginning to love it.

Most of my work on Pd is about aleatory/music aleatory/lyrics inside a normal album structure.

This will skip asking listeners to install programs (there is people who are scared about that) and just hit play on a browser.




Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list <pd-list-bounces at lists.iem.at> on behalf of Chris McCormick <chris at mccormick.cx>
Sent: Saturday, March 4, 2017 11:44 PM
To: PD List
Subject: [PD] gcc web assembly backend


tl;dr: soon it will be possible to compile libpd into a bytecode blob that browsers can understand and run very efficiently, using a toolchain Pd already uses to build.

The result will be a "web native" version of Pd's core that runs in browsers.

(I'm hand waving away a lot of hard work that other people will do to get this working.)


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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