[PD] Quick dev question r.e. underlying tcl version

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Thu Oct 19 16:07:26 CEST 2023

On 10/19/23 14:56, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay wrote:
> This is great! 2 naive questions:
> - if v 8.5 will it default to the (faster) native one? (Or is there a way to code that in)

it's not falling back automatically.
but you can do:
package require pdtcl_compat
if { [catch {dict create} ] } { namespace import ::pdtcl_compat::dict }

(i notice that the documentation says differently (and Pd uses the 
compat library as documented), but the documented way appears to not 
work correctly (as in: it uses the slow emulation)

> - I don’t see an iterator (dict’s “for")

i'm afraid only a subset of `dict` is implemented.
i've had no real need for `dict for`, so it's not there.



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