[PD] How to deal with externals for both 64 and 32-bit Pd

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Wed Dec 6 11:16:46 CET 2023

On 12/6/23 09:12, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Just compile it against the m_pd.h of the double-precision edition of
> Pd.

this won't work, as the "m_pd.h" for Pd64 and Pd32 are exactly the same.

instead set the "PD_FLOATSIZE" macro to 64 when building the external.

- just building with "-DPD_FLOATSIZE=64" should be simple enough
- using two headers with different names ("m_pd.h", "m_pd64.h") just 
moves the problem: the source code has to decide which header to 
include, and it most likely does this via some macro; so go back to 
square 1)
- shipping two different headers (with the only difference being the 
PD_FLOATSIZE macro) with the same name is going to breed confusion: 
where do you find which header (this mostly matters with systems where 
header-files are not bundled with an application, but installed to a 
global place, like /usr/include)
- for systems where the headers are bundled with application, i think we 
should bundle both Pd32 and Pd64 together (which we already can, its 
just that the downloadable packages don't do that yet). so back to square 3.

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