[PD] Pd 0.54-1 Compilation: ALSA Errors under RPi OS 12 Bookworm with PipeWire

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Thu Dec 7 07:45:57 CET 2023

Am 7. Dezember 2023 02:17:28 MEZ schrieb Linux Rouen Normandie <linux.rouen at free.fr>:
>Hello List,
>2- I installed yesterday the new Raspberry Pi OS 12 Bookworm 64-bit, with PipeWire set by default, on my Rapsberry Pi 400.
>Trying to compile Pd 0.54-1 is not okay with ALSA gone for both AUDIO & MIDI:

You must install the libasound-dev package.
In theory you can compile Pd without ALSA altogether, but I don't think anyone ever does that, so it's bound to fail every now and again (in your case, you would also have to disable (local) portaudio)

>Q: How can we fix that for using Pd with PipeWire (an upcoming standard) under the latest RPi OS?

There's nothing that needs to be fixing.
PipeWire has front-end for ALSA and JACK, so Pd can connect to PW right away (you probably need to install some glue package first, cannot check as I'm currently afk).
As a matter of fact, on my desktop machines I practically always run both Debian packaged Pd and self compiled Pds on PipeWire-enabled machines (not RPis though) without any problems.

IIRC, PipeWire actively discourages people from writing "native" support for it, and instead tells people to keep using whatever audio backends they already have.

> Note1: I know we can step back from PipeWire to PulseAudio in Raspi-Config => 6 Advanced Options => A7 Audio Config (choice between PulseAudio and PipeWire-default).
> Note2: Pd 0.53-1 (puredata-0.53.1+ds-2) from the RPi OS 12 64-bit repos doesn't have these ALSA issues (true for both Audio & Midi) even with PipeWire active.
>Joseph Gastelais


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