[PD] Pd 0.54-1 Compilation: ALSA Errors under RPi OS 12 Bookworm with PipeWire

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Dec 8 20:08:29 CET 2023

Am 8. Dezember 2023 20:02:53 MEZ schrieb "IOhannes m zmölnig" <zmoelnig at iem.at>:
>The correct one is "Linux-arm64-32".

So obviously there is an issue with the autodetection.
Could you please open a bug report on https://bugs.puredata.info ?

>There is a "--with-deken-cpu" configure flag (or somesuch... I'm currently afk) that allows you to override the specifier (and which is used by the Debian packages).

Sidenote: Debian sets the CPU specifier explicitly because it also supports weird CPUs (like s390x), which are of no practical importance to the Pd universe, but we want them to have consistent extensions nevertheless).
That is too say, the Debian packages do not do anything fancy just to get the amd64 extensions correct (but they get it right as a side effect of something else).


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