[Pdweb] http://convention.puredata.info/

Winfried Ritsch ritsch at iem.at
Wed May 11 14:01:39 CEST 2005


>  /pd/pd/community/projects/convention04/main_template

Oh, sorry, I didnt tell, since I am struggeling from time to time with this 
site, I now implemneted the skin as file-based product for better 
customizationa dn dropped out the admin message rendering stuff.

There are still some bugs with some folders, which didnt convert to ATFolder 
types and are broken, one of them  is project. Alos the LDAPUserfolder 
refuses an update. 

The reason is we are developping a kind of on the fly streamer und upload to
filesystem place for large files, esspecially video and audio.

Also a projects just now tries to implement a PD-Radio with webinterface for 
uploaded files, wo we need the new Versions of Archteypes and ATContenttypes.

Anyway, if sombody has a new skin I think we would be pleased.

mfg winfried

- ao.Univ.Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch 
- ritsch at iem.at - http://iem.at/ritsch
- Institut fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik
- University of Music and Dramatic Art Graz
- Tel. ++43-316-389-3510 (3170) Fax ++43-316-389-3171 
- PGP-ID 69617A69 (see keyserver http://wwwkeys.at.gpg.net/)

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