[Pdweb] trimming functionality for usability

Winfried Ritsch ritsch at iem.at
Mon Oct 30 21:17:41 CET 2006


> Since we are on the topic, I thought I'd go further into it while I
> am reminded of some things.  Basically, it seems that puredata.org
> site has everything turned on.  That was good for experimenting, but
> now I think we need to narrow down the website.
> For example, I don't think its good to have so many syntax
> possibilities.  That means if someone wants to maintain the site,
> they have to know them all.  That's a pain.  I think that
> StructuredText is bad enough, but then I run into reStructuredText
> sites.  Plus there are HTML sites too, and there are other options
> available.  I think we should just decide on two: HTML, since its
> widely understood, and one wiki syntax.  Personally I am a big
> advocate of MediaWiki syntax.  Its broadly understood and quite easy
> and flexible to use.  MoinMoin syntax looks somewhat close to
> MediaWiki, and its written in Python.
> Another thing, I think no one uses "article" and "topic", so they
> should be removed.  Basically, the page types list should be stripped
> down to a well defined set, as simple as possible, but no simpler.
I agree for rich text like in documents, just structured Text and HTML and for 
wikis only the wiki synthax.

Also we shall get rid of the CMFPhoto, since not supported in future
and change it to image, which has on an update  the same functionalities.

mfg winfried ritsch

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