[GEM-dev] how close are we...

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Tue Jul 22 15:04:59 CEST 2003

guenter geiger wrote:
> I think the naming concept is a bit strange with that. The underscore
> suggests that it belongs to a group of objects (like pix_ part_ ext),
> while it doesn't, and it is rather a "normal" gem OpenGL command.
> It would be more consistent to call it "smooth", plain, like "alpha".

very right,
in my last mail, concerning the "blend" functionality, i have forwarded 
this old email, where "polygon_smooth" was considered a bad name (but 
better than "pix_a_2grey") but i had no other idea.

so i will remove "polygon_smooth" and call it "smooth", as i guess 
nobody has really used it - chris ? (i think you might be the only one...).
and we could really add an alias for compatibilty.

> I think they should go away ...
should go away from GEM ?

probably we should really remove all the markEX-objects that are not 
referred too by the help/example-patches (and as time permits, rewrite 
them, so that they don't need markEX)

> Yep. What about producing a template for  the help-* patches (we have
> to rename them for pd-0.37 too, right ?)
i don't fully understand this.

  and ask gem users to help
> with the documentation effort.
yes, this would probably result in better help-patches (because they 
might show real needs)

> I think it would be nice if the help patches have a minimal functionality
> too, so the user can see the effect directly.

so, without a [gemwin] but with a [gemhead] ?

>>...beyond that, some of my "soon todo" list includes:
>>- adding other model formats
right, i have been talking about this for years.
btw. is quake2 available for macOS ? are quake2-models used ?
this might be a common format for animated models.

>>- fullscreen motion blur
i think i even added a message to [gemwin] for this (but i stopped 

>>- "snap to tex" that results in a further processable image
> isn't that what pix_snap does ?

that's what i thought too.
but probably it's more like snapping to texture *and* getting the image 
into user-space.


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