[PD] deken install user experience

Lucas Cordiviola lucarda27 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 20:13:55 CEST 2016

> Sorry if I missed this, but what is the point of displaying> incompatible (wrong arch, wrong platform) Deken packages? What would be> harmed if they'd be hidden completely? I fail to see the advantage of> having the possibility of downloading a package of wrong arch/platform.
--like: preparing your patch for offline use on multiple archs, which you--currently don't have access to.
I distribute my patches with all needed externals included, for all platforms, this way the user ONLY have to install pd and its ready to listen. He/she just open the patch and it works, no need to deken or -path or whatever, it just work.
I think its Ok that other platforms zips are grayed out.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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