[PD-dev] How to customize Pd.app for macOS?

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Thu Dec 14 11:22:38 CET 2017

On 2017-12-13 22:28, Ingo Stock wrote:
> You can set the audio settings from within a patch by sending a message
> to pd.
> The message would look like this:
> [; pd audio-dialog 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 44100 25 -1 128]

two things:

#1 while not being vanilla, i think the "mediasettings" library is a
better approach to that problem (but then of course, i'm the author).
it kind of guarantees a stable API on the patch level (the messages you
are using are an implementation detail without any guarantees).
it also makes it possible to only set the thing you want to (e.g. you
can set the latency without resetting the audio device to the built-in
it also allows you to query all the names (and current state) so you can
actually build an audio settings dialog within Pd (does not breaking the
aesthetics of your application).

#2 more important i'm not sure how your suggestion helps.
i mean: if you hand out an application two 5 people (or the whole
world), which values would you *actually* put in there?
is "0" a good choice, just because it routes to the built-in microphone
and speakers on your system? on my PC it might be the unconnected hdmi
audio. what if the user wants to play back via the nice PA connected
through their USB interface? would they have to re-set the audio
settings whenever the patch crashes?


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