[PD-dev] formatting HTML doc in Pd distro?

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Sun Jun 30 20:30:40 CEST 2019

On 6/30/19 6:05 AM, Miller Puckette wrote:
> Any advice would be very helpful!

personally, i'd go for markdown as the source format and use pandoc to
compile it to the final documentation.

- the source document is human readable (with a somewhat meaningful
visual layout, as opposed to LaTeX)
- can be compiled to LaTeX (and can include LaTeX-snippets, e.g. for
complicated formulae).

thus, the repository *could* only contain the source-code of the
documentation (md), which would still be a meaningful (although not as
nicely laid out) documentation for the power-user who uses a git clone.
the documentation would still need to be compiled during the release
phase though (which i don't see as a big problem; i'd make this step
optional though).

> But I don't think it's a good idea to put latex compilation in the Pd
> compile chain,


> Make Pd able to open files in the native OS (maybe via a new
> "pdcontrol" object that would issue system commands

afaik, the way to "open files" (using the default application, which is
what we really want here), is highly system specific.
e.g. cf the `::pd_menucommands::menu_openfile` (in
tcl/pd_menucommands.tcl) which (kind of) implements this already, and
which i would probably use *as is*.


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