[PD-dev] [leapmotion] 2.3.1 linking failure on Windows

William Brent william.brent at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 23:10:59 CET 2023

Hello all,

I'm finishing up work on new [leapmotion] and [ultraleap] externals and
trying to make them available for all compatible platforms (I'll skip the
rundown of which hardware and SDKs work on which platforms here unless it's

I've got everything working except the [leapmotion] external for Windows.
I'm using pd-lib-builder and MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit and am able to compile
successfully, but linking to the 64-bit Leap library fails with a stream of
"undefined reference to" messages. I'm positive that gcc can find the
Leap.h header and the Leap.lib/Leap.dll libraries in my Leap SDK 2.3.1
directory, and have done a nearly identical build process for the
[ultraleap] using the LeapC SDK 5.7.2 where linking succeeds and everything
works fine.

I'd be very grateful if anyone could shed some light on what I'm doing
wrong here. There's no need for any Leap hardware for building, you just
need to clone my [leapmotion] repo here:
https://github.com/wbrent/leapmotion and download Leap SDK version 2.3.1
for Windows here: https://developer.leapmotion.com/releases

>From there it's just a matter of editing the Makefile to specify your Leap
SDK directory location and attempting a "make" in MSYS2. I'm using Windows
10 Home, Pd 0.53-1 (amd64-32), and pd-lib-builder version 0.6.0. Below is a
truncated version of what I get in my attempts.

Any suggestions or further questions are welcome, thanks!

++++ info: using Makefile.pdlibbuilder version 0.6.0
++++ info: using Pd API C:\Program Files/Pd/src/m_pd.h
++++ info: making target all in lib leapmotion
++++ info: making src/leapmotion.o in lib leapmotion
g++ -DPD -I "C:\Program Files/Pd/src" -DMSW -DNT -DPD_LONGINTTYPE=__int64
 -fcheck-new -Iinclude
-I/c/msys64/dev/LeapDeveloperKit_2.3.1+31549_win/LeapSDK/include -Wall
-Wextra -Wshadow -Winline -Wstrict-aliasing -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops
-fomit-frame-pointer -march=core2 -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -o
src/leapmotion.o -c src/leapmotion.cpp
++++ info: making src/Dispatcher.o in lib leapmotion
g++ -DPD -I "C:\Program Files/Pd/src" -DMSW -DNT -DPD_LONGINTTYPE=__int64
 -fcheck-new -Iinclude
-I/c/msys64/dev/LeapDeveloperKit_2.3.1+31549_win/LeapSDK/include -Wall
-Wextra -Wshadow -Winline -Wstrict-aliasing -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops
-fomit-frame-pointer -march=core2 -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -o
src/Dispatcher.o -c src/Dispatcher.cpp
++++ info: making src/LeapMotionObj.o in lib leapmotion
g++ -DPD -I "C:\Program Files/Pd/src" -DMSW -DNT -DPD_LONGINTTYPE=__int64
 -fcheck-new -Iinclude
-I/c/msys64/dev/LeapDeveloperKit_2.3.1+31549_win/LeapSDK/include -Wall
-Wextra -Wshadow -Winline -Wstrict-aliasing -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops
-fomit-frame-pointer -march=core2 -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse -o
src/LeapMotionObj.o -c src/LeapMotionObj.cpp
++++ info: linking objects in leapmotion.dll for lib leapmotion
g++ -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-import
"C:\Program Files/Pd/bin/pd.dll"
-L/c/msys64/dev/LeapDeveloperKit_2.3.1+31549_win/LeapSDK/lib/x64   -o
leapmotion.dll src/leapmotion.o src/Dispatcher.o src/LeapMotionObj.o  -lLeap
src/leapmotion.o:leapmotion.cpp:(.text+0x411): undefined reference to
`Leap::Frame::timestamp() cons
src/leapmotion.o:leapmotion.cpp:(.text+0x45d): undefined reference to
src/LeapMotionObj.o:LeapMotionObj.:(.text+0xf8): undefined reference to
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [pd-lib-builder//Makefile.pdlibbuilder:885: leapmotion.dll] Error

William Brent

“Great minds flock together”
Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century

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