[PD-dev] [leapmotion] 2.3.1 linking failure on Windows

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Tue Jan 3 21:12:38 CET 2023

Am 3. Jänner 2023 23:10:59 MEZ schrieb William Brent <william.brent at gmail.com>:
>src/leapmotion.o:leapmotion.cpp:(.text+0x411): undefined reference to
>`Leap::Frame::timestamp() const'

C++ is a fantastic language.
Unfortunately it is not really standardised on the binary level, which basically means that you might not be able to use c++ libraries compiled with one compiler/linker with binaries created by another compiler/linker.

Now, clang kind of guarantees binary compatibility with g++ binaries, which pretty much covers the Linux & macOS worlds.
Things are of course different on windows: you generally cannot mix&match MSVC libraries with GCC binaries (and vice versa), at least if c++ is involved.

Proprietary SDKs often provide MSVC libraries.

So if possible, try to use a C-library instead of a C++-library on windows.


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