
Krzysztof Czaja czaja at
Wed May 22 16:06:02 CEST 2002

hi again,

I am dumb indeed!  You probably meant ``interpreted by a [pack]''.
And the answer is:  probably yes -- that is how pack works in max...


Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
 > forgive my dumbness, but do you mean, that when sending a `read ...'
 > message to a [soundfiler], the actual message sent should be a list?

 > Juha Vehvil?inen wrote:
 > ...
 >  > so, to repeat myself in Pd-jargon: wouldn't it make sense to give
 >  > messages with text the selecton "symbol" and messages with white
 >  > space the selector "list"?

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