[PD] Re: GUI to control [gemwin]

james tittle tigital at mac.com
Sun Apr 2 00:48:22 CEST 2006

...neat ideas!

On Apr 1, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> This leads me to another question, is there a way to set the  
> framerate with a message?  This object makes that necessary.   I am  
> also wondering whether I should expand it into a general gemwin  
> control panel with more info, but then I am reproducing the  
> pixelTANGO objects...

[frame $1< sets the framerate, with 20 being the default...
[fps< only works if you've sent [profile 1< (ie. are in profile  
mode):  it sends the current fps to the [gemwin] outlet...

> On Apr 1, 2006, at 3:56 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I made a GUI object to control the [gemwin] object that also  
>> displays its status.  When a new instance is created, it queries  
>> existing instances to get the status.  That way all instances will  
>> show the same status.  I am planning on using this in the intro to  
>> Gem tutorial/workshop that I am currently working on.  So feedback  
>> would be appreciated.

...watch out on this one:  we'll soon (?) have multiple_windows  
working, and likely not want all windows to be open at the same time,  
much less render at the same time...

>> Is there any way to query [gemwin] directly?

...currently, fps is the only message that sends an output to the  
outlet...what are you thinking about?


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