[PD] [PD-dev] Plugins preferences (Was Re: Plugins Plugin error)

yvan volochine yvan.pd at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 04:28:28 CEST 2012

On 06/02/2012 01:33 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> What is needed is a single prefs dialog window with two frames-- 1) a listbox on the left (or treeview if you want to
> have categories like gui, audio, midi, etc.), and the frame on the right which has the checkboxes, labels, and
> buttons that correspond to the settings for whatever happens to be selected in the listbox/treeview.
> That way, a canvas/box/wire color plugin can just consist of these widgets and their corresponding variables, so
> that the user can set them all in the "Preferences" dialog window.

+ 1

> And if it's to be not only be a good interface for devs, but also for users, each list of attributes should have the same
> look and feel.  I think matju did something like this with auto-generatable properties dialogs.

even better: spend all this time/energy to have a decent core-gui 
separation in pd, get rid of tcl-tk and have a neat GUI like pd deserves..

my 2 cents..


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