[PD] midi settings from patch window

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Sun Apr 17 23:00:22 CEST 2016

On 04/17/2016 10:10 PM, Esteban Viveros wrote:
> @oliver good to know that external! @Ingo that is it!! It solved..

for "setting" things, the mediasettings library is really just a wrapper
around the "audio-dialog" and "midi-dialog" messages.

it's power lies in being able to query the current state.

it basically allows you to build your *own* audio/midi settings dialog
(it was used in the IntegraLive project that used Pd as the audio
backend (without a GUI, but with full control over the audio devices -
unlike libpd) and mediasettings was used to populate the audio settings
dialog in the front end)


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