[PD-dev] how to output list with selector

Miller Puckette mpuckette at cloud.ucsd.edu
Thu Sep 21 08:59:09 CEST 2023

That error indicates that one of the atoms has an a_type field that is 
neither A_FLOAT nor A_SYMBOL.

It's odd that in `outlet_list(x->outlist, &s_list, 3, x->outlist)` 
you're using x->outlist for two of the arguments - the first should be 
the outlet, and the other one should be the array of 3 atoms.



On 9/21/23 08:20, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
> I'm trying to output a list of values with a selector. For example, 
> "foo 1 2". I though of creating a vector of t_atom, where a_type of 
> the first element would be A_SYMBOL, and the other two would be 
> A_FLOAT, and after a list outlet is created in the new method like this:
> `x->outlist = outlet_new(x->x_obj, &s_list);`
> I can output the list with a bang like this:
> `outlet_list(x->outlist, &s_list, 3, x->outlist)`;
> But Pd complains with this error:
> ```
> print: listconsistency check failed: atom_string
>  consistency check failed: atom_string
>  consistency check failed: atom_string
> ```
> What I would like, is to get the output of the object and route it 
> with [route foo]. How do I go about this?
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