self-modifying abstractions

Krzysztof Czaja czaja at
Tue Sep 25 15:06:39 CEST 2001


indeed, but this is an argument for using [logic]->[blah] instead of
[logic blah] with [$1] inside.

If you are into hacking, then have a look at my self-modifying
subpatches.  First put 'selfmodif.pd' abstraction where Pd can
find it, then open 'show-selfmodif.pd', and wait 4 seconds.


pix wrote:
> oh, btw, you do have to edit the .pd file, because if you just make a [$1]
> object, it has no inlets or outlets... so you need to make the abstraction
> using real object first that has the right number (at least, if not type)
> of in's+out's, then change it's name to "\$1" in the file so that the
> connections are preserved.
-------------- next part --------------
#N canvas 83 71 583 433 12;
#X obj 413 20 selfmodif blah;
#X obj 54 20 loadbang;
#X obj 238 124 delay;
#X obj 237 20 selfmodif ding;
#X obj 170 355 r pd-blah;
#X obj 57 355 r pd-ding;
#X obj 57 394 print ding;
#X obj 170 394 print blah;
#X obj 284 355 r pd-selfmodif.pd;
#X obj 284 394 print selfmodif.pd;
#X msg 54 52 1;
#X obj 54 84 makefilename $%d;
#X obj 416 124 delay;
#X obj 416 86 r delay-blah;
#X msg 416 162 \; pd-blah menuclose;
#X msg 238 162 \; pd-ding menuclose;
#X obj 238 86 r delay-ding;
#X msg 54 228 \; pd-selfmodif.pd vis 1 \; pd-selfmodif.pd obj 200 10
pd \$1 \; pd-ding text 50 50 this subpatch can be self-modified \;
delay-blah 2000 \; delay-ding 4000;
#X connect 1 0 10 0;
#X connect 2 0 15 0;
#X connect 4 0 7 0;
#X connect 5 0 6 0;
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 0;
#X connect 11 0 17 0;
#X connect 12 0 14 0;
#X connect 13 0 12 0;
#X connect 16 0 2 0;
-------------- next part --------------
#N canvas 0 0 454 398 12;
#N canvas 0 0 600 400 Pd 0;
#X restore 73 213 pd \$1-btw-it-does-not-work;
#X text 41 132 put your logic in this abstraction...;

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