[PD] 3 patches

Frank Barknecht barknech at ph-cip.uni-koeln.de
Mon Mar 18 18:56:54 CET 2002

João Miguel Pais hat gesagt: // João Miguel Pais wrote:

> I would like to present to your consideration a set of patches I've been
> working on. There are 3:
> -Sampler unit (stores up to 6 mono samples, played only at normal speed)
> -Synthesis unit (sine, sawtooth, noise, fourier synthesis, waveshaping,
> classic fm - from the reference folder)
> - Effects processing unit (delay, filters, am), which works with the
> previous two as sources
> [...]
> It was made on win xp, and uses only standard objects, so I guess it should
> work everywhere. One other thing, it is in (very bad) german.
> Every critic/suggestion/advice is welcome.

That's some great work, you did there. It's well thought out, and although
the principles are well known, they make a great package to anyone wanting
to learn more about some different synthesis techniques... if they
understand at least a bit of German. 

> If possible, I would enjoy some guidances on these lines:
> - der deutsch verbessern

"der deutsch" should be "das Deutsch" first. I find the little errors in
your German rather cute ;) 

I didn't look at everything yet, but in the synthesis patch "ab/zu" should
be "an/aus" like in the other patches. "Einpraegen" (eng.: Save) is called
"Speichern" oder "Sichern" in German. "Tonausgang ab/zu" is a bit unusual,
I'd call it just "Ton an/aus". And at last "Lautstaerke Kontrollen" would
better be "Lautstaerke-Regler". "Regler" is more common than "Kontrolle".
But then, on my hifi amp, it is called "Volume" like in the rest of the
world ;)

                                                 __    __
 Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
                      / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\	
                     / /  / ____/  / /  / // ____// /\ \\  ___\\____ \	
                    /_/  /_____/  /_/  /_//_____// /  \ \\_____\\_____\
                                                /_/    \_\ 

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