[PD] a poll on recycling

Miller Puckette mpuckett at man104-1.ucsd.edu
Thu May 9 04:12:06 CEST 2002

Hi Krzysztof,

I intend someday to include compatibility libraries in the Pd release;
this would mean both Pd objects like gate and Max/MSP objects like spigot.
Whatever compatibility object people put where I can get them, as long as
they don't mind, I'll be happy to incorporate.

About name clashes, I think the only solution will be a command line switch
to Pd to put it in Max mode (like "-traditional" flag for cc.)

Some objects will be hard to deal with.. switch~, for example, and
the FFT objects...


On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 11:09:59AM +0200, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
> hi all,
> (hopefully I will get any response to) what do you think about how
> best to simplify recycling task -- porting max/msp projects to Pd,
> and the other way around -- and not bringing too much suffering to
> anybody.  The options are:
> a. the recycling project harms Pd community, and should be banned.
> b. It harms max/msp community, and/or is illegal.
> c. It is to be regarded as having low priority.  In particular,
> if there is a name clash between an already existing Pd external
> class and max or msp class, and the two are functionally different,
> the Pd external wins.
> d. It is to be regarded as middle priority, and conflicting and not
> max/msp-compatible Pd externals should be renamed.
> e. It is to be regarded as high priority, which would probably mean
> adjusting some of the Pd internal classes.
> But *please*, if you just want to add your vote, send it to my
> private address only.  Use pd-list for discussion.
> Krzysztof
> Btw, from now on, I will try to remember to always put the term
> `recycling' in a subject line of any mail concerning Pd/max
> compatibility in general, and the term `cyclone', if it is about
> the library.  So you would rather use both in your mail filters!
> Also btw, my vote is somewhere in between c and d -- but closer
> to d, because there are already various clashes among Pd externals
> themselves:  gate, prepend, counter...

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