[PD] (netpd)U(Pd-extended), Pd-ext bug-tracker (was Re: elitism, software and academia)

Georg Holzmann grhPD at gmx.at
Mon Jun 11 09:25:33 CEST 2007


> I am not meaning that people will add to netpd from Pd-extended.
> Rather, it would be neat to 'steal' the great functional modules that
> are in netpd and use them as standalone modules for rapid building of
> non-netpd patches. Say, if a person has been using Reason for a few
> years, but wants to upgrade. The netpd abstractions that I've looked
> over on the netpd site seem to be fairly strait forward in GUI and
> purpose that a Reason Seasoned (couldn't resist the rhyme) user could
> take these modules and build their own patches with them, APART from
> netpd.
> Rather than reinvent the wheel, why not take the fruits of the netpd
> community and make them accessible to users who might just want a
> wikkid bassline or GOP mixer abstraction?

Yes, that's also what I meant - this would be nice ...

I don't know who is the maintainer of the netpd community - maybe 
someone could maintain these objects in CVS ? (then this could be also 
used as a central place for checking out the latest patches ...)
If it is not changing too much I can also add them to CVS ...


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