[PD] testing some 0.48.0 GUI updates

Federico Camara Halac camarafede at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 22:33:10 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

I've been following the list on the latest updates/builds/etc, and I have
to say WOW. Thank you for all these improvements. They contribute greatly
to making Pd even more amazing every day.

Thanks for the INSTALL.txt, btw, which made the build pretty
straightforward on OSX 10.11.6 (Capitan)*:

git clone https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data.git
./configure --enable-jack --with-wish=/usr/bin/wish8.4
--enable-universal=i386 --enable-fftw=/usr/local/bin/fftw
make app

*after upgrading autoconf, automake and libtools using this gist
<https://gist.github.com/justinbellamy/2672db1c78f024f2d4fe> cause I had
libtools with 2 different versions :)

Here are some stuff I tested:

* New preferences system: basically the core prefs have now been separated
> from the gui prefs and there is a new submenu for this

I like this. I notice two minor things:
-Path preferences get saved and work but are not displayed on the Path
dialog or in the Help Browser.
-The Log level is not saved in the pref file.
However everything else seems to work like a charm, and it's really
convenient!! The submenu makes everything more clear, and all these work as
expected afaict:  save all, save to, load from, forget all...

* The translation build system has been updated as it wasn't automatically
> refreshing the translation files. For translators, there should be new
> strings to add and other to update (see po/README.txt for details). For
> users, the menu titles should now be translated for those languages which
> do so.
I have to admit, I had no idea this existed, and it's pretty nice. This
works fine:

$ LANG=fr.UTF-8 open Pd-0.48.0.app

> * Some button sizing was fixed in the Find, Audio, MIDI, Path, & Startup
> dialogs.

> * The HSlider entry in the Put menu had the wrong key-shortcut shown. This
> is fixed.

> * The Font dialog can now only be opened when a canvas or Pd window is
> active as it has no effect on dialogs. Focus handling was also improved.

 I guess it's harmless but when focus is on Pd window the Font dialog sill
opens but has no effect  (or I fail to see it)

> * The Find dialog:
>   - no longer hide after search on macOS
>   - search string in label now properly truncated for overly long searches
>   - button placement improved
>   - entry selection now highlighted on window focus in for keyboardists
The Find dialog is way better now indeed!

> * Default macOS Preferences hotkey (CMD+,) now opens Audio dialog instead
> of Startup dialog
This seems more appropriate and works fine.

> * Audio & MIDI dialogs should no longer open behind if the other is
> visible.

I really like the keyboard availability for the Browser. I notice two minor
things again (now I think I'm just whining):

-MOUSE | KEYS: Entering a directory kinda destroys and creates the windows
making a visual burst, like [;pd-foo vis 0, vis 1(.

- Going back from a sub item (Pure Data/1.manual/1.introduction.txt) to its
parent (1.manual) doesn't delete the new created column. It is confusing.
It does delete the new column when you go 2 steps back, and it does so
without the visual burst.
- The first item that appears when entering a new directory for the first
time is selected with a squared box, but it's not selected in blue, which
is confusing because selection actually does takes place (i.e., if the item
is not a directory, hitting the 'right' arrow will open it)

Anyway, thanks again, hope this helps!


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