[PD] HELP: Pure Data Vanilla v.0.54-0 under Windows 10 22H2 64-bit is not running!

Christof Ressi info at christofressi.com
Mon Jul 10 02:27:43 CEST 2023

> So within a CMD terminal the following commands
> - pd.com
> - pd.com -stderr -verbose
> - pd.com -nogui
> - pd.com -noprefs
> give the same "no result" for both the installed and the portable versions
> of Pd 0.54.0.

Ok, thanks for testing. So it has nothing to do with the registry or 
with the gui preferences...

Now, can you also try "pd.com -noaudio"? And also "pd.com -stderr 
-verbose -noprefs -nogui -noaudio"?

> ==> Sig[3].Name=Nom du module défaillant = Name of the failing module
> ==> Sig[3].Value=ntdll.dll

Ah, right I missed that. Unfortunately, the crash report is very vague. 
To get the actual reason for the crash you would need to run Pd in a 


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