[PD] Can't load iemmatrix lib

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Jan 19 10:25:58 CET 2024

On 1/18/24 19:59, Linux ROUEN Normandie wrote:
> So, I do need to declare both '/usr/lib/pd/extra' and 
> '/usr/lib/puredata/extra' paths in my Pd Preferences.

ah, you are using a self-compiled Pd, rather than the one that comes 
with Debian/Ubuntu/your distro.

in this case: yes, you have to live with this warning.
(the Pd from Debian does not have this warning, and it automatically 
searches the two paths).

or maybe, you could create a ticket (https://bugs.puredata.info) about 
this warning (the "problem" is that if you have two search paths that 
end with the same word (e.g. "/path/to/libraries" and 
"/path/to/more/libraries") then the help browser wrongly complains.

the idea why it complains in the first place is that if you have 
libraries with the same name and the same objects in multiple places 
(e.g. "/path/to/libraries/zexy/rad2deg.pd" and 
"/path/to/more/libraries/zexy/rad2deg.pd") you might get confused which 
[rad2deg] you are actually using.

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