October 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Oct 1 00:02:53 CEST 2013
Ending: Thu Oct 31 19:31:52 CET 2013
Messages: 449
- [PD] Maximum size of a GEM window?
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
Miller Puckette
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Mario Mey
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
Jaime E Oliver
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
i go bananas
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Brian Fay
- [PD] Maximum size of a GEM window?
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] writesf~ time to flush to disk…?
Thomas Mayer
- [PD] writesf~ time to flush to disk…?
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] search engine with xapian backend
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Mario Mey
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Mario Mey
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] udpsend not recognised [was Re: [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released]
peiman khosravi
- [PD] writesf~ time to flush to disk…?
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] [PD-announce] PuREST JSON 0.14.0 released
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
Alan Brooker
- [PD] [PD-announce] PuREST JSON 0.14.0 released
- [PD] Weird bug in pd-extended and Ubuntu
Pierre Massat
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
peiman khosravi
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
peiman khosravi
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
peiman khosravi
- [PD] video recording of a gem window
David Schaffer
- [PD] RE : video recording of a gem window
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Chris Clepper
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Weird bug in pd-extended and Ubuntu
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] writesf~ time to flush to disk…?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] video recording of a gem window
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
peiman khosravi
- [PD] udpsend not recognised
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Tony Hillerson
- [PD] Weird bug in pd-extended and Ubuntu
Pierre Massat
- [PD] need help with gem and glsl feedback
Py Fave
- [PD] Weird bug in pd-extended and Ubuntu
Julian Brooks
- [PD] Weird bug in pd-extended and Ubuntu
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
András Murányi
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Tony Hillerson
- [PD] need help with gem and glsl feedback
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] tanh() or a compressor?
Mario Mey
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
i go bananas
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Simon Wise
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Simon Wise
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 test 1 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] need help with gem and glsl feedback
Py Fave
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
Alvin Google
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
Patrice Colet
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
Charles Goyard
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
Charles Z Henry
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Tony Hillerson
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
Py Fave
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] puredata.info partially down ?
Py Fave
- [PD] LED on the Cheap
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Chris Clepper
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Invalid autobuild download
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] libdir template Mac OSX build
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] [PD-announce] PD piece at Long Beach, CA Soundwalk this Saturday
Joe Newlin
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 released
Miller Puckette
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [PD] autobuild wrong architecture
martin.peach at sympatico.ca
- [PD] puredata.info partially down ?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Invalid autobuild download
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] puredata.info partially down ?
Py Fave
- [PD] autobuild wrong architecture
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
i go bananas
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Simon Wise
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd Chocolate - GUI
Pierre Guillot
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
i go bananas
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
i go bananas
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
Py Fave
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
peiman khosravi
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
Simon Wise
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Kjetil Matheussen
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
peiman khosravi
- [PD] reading tables indices with liner interpoation
peiman khosravi
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as max's phaseshift? (was [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?)
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Chris Clepper
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as max's phaseshift? (was [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?)
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Miller Puckette
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
Py Fave
- [PD] [biquad~] as max's phaseshift? (was [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?)
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] [biquad~] as max's phaseshift? (was [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?)
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] Sound on sound delay
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Rich E
- [PD] Legal restrictions for apps
Ivica Bukvic
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Фывапр Олджэвич
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Py Fave
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Joson Android
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Фывапр Олджэвич
- [PD] http://wiki.puredata.info/ ???
Py Fave
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
Py Fave
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [biquad~] as max's phaseshift? (was [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?)
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [biquad~] as cyclone's [allpass~]?
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] http://wiki.puredata.info/ ???
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] $1 inside a message is not saving data ?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] iem_tab can't create object
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] declare and abstraction
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid?
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid?
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] declare and abstraction
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid?
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] declare and abstraction
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] declare and abstraction
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] developer needed to port resonators~ to PD for ARM
Ali Momeni
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Brian Fay
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Julian Brooks
- [PD] SYNC.2013/Yekatarinburg call for proposals for electracoustic music and mulimedia
Josef (Seppo) Gruendler
- [PD] Building portable instruments with Pd and Raspberry Pi workshop
s p
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Mario Mey
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Mario Mey
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Òscar Martínez Carmona
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Brian Fay
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
- [PD] declare and abstraction
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Pd-list Digest, Vol 103, Issue 49
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Ivica Bukvic
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Mario Mey
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd (Brian Fay)
Eric Lyon
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] Designing Audio Objects for Pd
Brian Fay
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Mario Mey
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Direct-from-disk audio with position, loop, varispeed
Mario Mey
- [PD] New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow" + *PdWeekend* in California November
Joe Deken
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Julian Brooks
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Julian Brooks
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Julian Brooks
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
Etienne Landon
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Mario Mey
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Julian Brooks
- [PD] New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow" + *PdWeekend* in California November
András Murányi
- [PD] vocoder with pitch.
Mario Mey
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
Etienne Landon
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Martin Peach
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] RE : Re: need help with gem and glsl feedback
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [PD-announce] [ot] deadline extended: call for entries to Georgia Tech's 2014 Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition
Jason Freeman
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Brian Fay
- [PD] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Kjetil Matheussen
- [PD] Envgen stop or reset
xoanxil at gmail.com
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Julian Brooks
- [PD] moog~ in pure pd?
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 released
Jaime E Oliver
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 released
peiman khosravi
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.45-3 released
Julian Brooks
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] moog~ in pure pd?
martin brinkmann
- [PD] datastructures midirecorder
Rob Bothof
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
Tom Schouten
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] datastructures midirecorder
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] datastructures midirecorder
João Pais
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
puredata at 11h11.com
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
Peter Venus
- [PD] datastructures midirecorder
Billy Stiltner
- [PD] Job at UCSD: Lecturer in Computer Music and Audio Engineering
Miller Puckette
- [PD] pianoroll [was: Re: datastructures midirecorder]
Patrice Colet
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] RPI usb soundcards that require mmap_emul
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] Pd-list Digest, Vol 103, Issue 64
Pierre Castellotti
- [PD] [français] Anki et Pure Data
Carla Hoke
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] build pd with jack in raspbian on rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] matrix~
Olivier Baudry
- [PD] [PD-announce] Primo Levi "The Radiophonic Babel of War..."
Action Research
- [PD] pix_video problem
Pierre Desprats
- [PD] matrix~
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] matrix~
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Extended View toolkit : issue with masks
Etienne Landon
- [PD] [PD-announce] Call for Proposals: Participatory City 2014
Medialab-Prado Comunicación
- [PD] Pd extended 0.43.4 on Mac OS Lion 10.7.5
Olivier Baudry
- [PD] Pd extended 0.43.4 on Mac OS Lion 10.7.5
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] List of important computer music works
Samuel Burt
- [PD] matrix~
João Pais
- [PD] find out if a specific table exists
Marian Weger
- [PD] pd-extended in raspbian repo's
Julian Brooks
- [PD] List of important computer music works
Py Fave
- [PD] pd-extended in raspbian repo's
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] compiling cw_binaural~ for android
Husk 00
- [PD] moog~ in pure pd?
Billy Stiltner
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid
Sergi Lario
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
Tom Schouten
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] compiling cw_binaural~ for android
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] List of important computer music works
Matt Barber
- [PD] compiling cw_binaural~ for android
Husk 00
- [PD] storing parameters in message with sprintf
Olivier Baudry
- [PD] compiling cw_binaural~ for android
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] Alternative to pdp_colorgrid
Sergi Lario
- [PD] [PD-announce] pdp 0.14.0
Tom Schouten
- [PD] pd-extended in raspbian repo's
Julian Brooks
- [PD] storing parameters in message with sprintf
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] USB power off from [shell] for eliminating MIDI interface problems
- [PD] USB power off from [shell] for eliminating MIDI interfaceproblems
- [PD] USB power off from [shell] for eliminating MIDI interfaceproblems
- [PD] USB power off from [shell] for eliminating MIDI interfaceproblems
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] trouble of pd at opening
Olivier Baudry
- [PD] trouble with comment in graphique
Olivier Baudry
- [PD] [PD-announce] Mediating physicality and the flesh - Mexico, Shanghai, Dresden, London
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] trouble of pd at opening
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] trouble of pd at opening
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] trouble with comment in graphique
IOhannes zmölnig
- [PD] trouble with comment in graphique
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] trouble with comment in graphique
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] wiki table feedback tutorial link dead
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] wiki table feedback tutorial link dead
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] wiki table feedback tutorial link dead
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Pd extended 0.43.4 on Mac OS Lion 10.7.5
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] libdir template Mac OSX build
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
András Murányi
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Kjetil Matheussen
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Kjetil Matheussen
- [PD] [announce] Pure Data Patching Circle Brussels @ Variable #12
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Help with OSX App minefield
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Martin Peach
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] Packages for Ubuntu 13.10?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] Packages for Ubuntu 13.10?
Joel Matthys
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Simon Wise
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
Ronni Montoya
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Packages for Ubuntu 13.10?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] pd on Mac OSX 10.9
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] [WebPd] Status update
s p
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
Nick Burge
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
Ronni Montoya
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX (was: Re: New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow")
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX (was: Re: New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow")
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX (was: Re: New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow")
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] List of important computer music works
Samuel Burt
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
Ronni Montoya
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX
Phil Stone
- [PD] csound6~
Ronni Montoya
- [PD] csound6~
John Colgrove
- [PD] csound6~
John Colgrove
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX
Dan Wilcox
- [PD] GEM window immediately closing
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] GEM window immediately closing
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] GEM window immediately closing
puredata at 11h11.com
- [PD] moog~ in pure pd?
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Metastudio 0.5
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Pitchshift frequency bins to specific frequencies
peiman khosravi
- [PD] [PD-announce] earGram: concatenate sound synthesis/generative music
Gilberto Bernardes
- [PD] GEM window immediately closing
John Harrison
- [PD] Metastudio 0.5
Ed Kelly
- [PD] oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
Peter P.
- [PD] oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] GEM window immediately closing
Mike Moser-Booth
- [PD] oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] [GEM-dev] Oculus Rift distortion/support
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] glsl and pmpd error
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] [WebPd] Status update
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd-extended in raspbian repo's
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Building externals on OSX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
peiman khosravi
- [PD] pow~ question
peiman khosravi
- [PD] slide~ (msp) in pd
peiman khosravi
- [PD] pow~ question
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pow~ question
Funs Seelen
- [PD] slide~ (msp) in pd
Funs Seelen
- [PD] slide~ (msp) in pd
Funs Seelen
- [PD] slide~ (msp) in pd
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
William Brent
- [PD] pow~ question
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] [WebPd] Status update
s p
- [PD] covert sensor data to midi
Sofia Paraskeva
- [PD] pow~ question
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] covert sensor data to midi
Alexandros Drymonitis
- [PD] covert sensor data to midi
Greg Pond
- [PD] Pd-l2ork running on OSX
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] pow~ question
peiman khosravi
- [PD] pow~ question
peiman khosravi
- [PD] slide~ (msp) in pd
peiman khosravi
- [PD] pow~ question
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
Chris Jack
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Mac: 64 bits faster than 32
Miller Puckette
- [PD] pix_imageInPlace path wildcards
Rosenstock, Joshua
- [PD] [PD-announce] Radium 1.9.31 released for Linux
Ed Kelly
- [PD] [PD-announce] earGram: concatenate sound synthesis/generative music
puredata at 11h11.com
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
s p
- [PD] Mac: 64 bits faster than 32
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Mac: 64 bits faster than 32
Miller Puckette
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] New Blankets names Jonathan Wilkes "Artist in Transit Fellow" + *PdWeekend* in California November
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] pd on Mac OSX 10.9
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
William Brent
- [PD] [PD-announce] Please kindly check this out
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] tabread2~ noisy output
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
peiman khosravi
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Martin Peach
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
Julian Brooks
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
tim vets
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Johnny Mauser
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] puredata.info Wiki editing was: audio output AND input with the Rpi?
Antoine Villeret
- [PD] audio output AND input with the Rpi?
- [PD] [PD-announce] Please kindly DON'T check this out
- [PD] [PD-announce] Please kindly DON'T check this out
- [PD] Oculus Rift shader in pd/Gem
Michael Mihocic
- [PD] Oculus Rift shader in pd/Gem
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] Oculus Rift shader in pd/Gem
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] Strip file name from path (alternative to [stripfilename])?
Antonio Roberts
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 19:31:52 CET 2013
Archived on: Mon Dec 2 16:29:48 CET 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).