August 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Aug 1 00:11:12 CEST 2012
Ending: Fri Aug 31 21:39:24 CEST 2012
Messages: 317
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [PD] libpd python wrapper wiki
Husk 00
- [PD] looping at the end of sample
Jean-Marie Adrien
- [PD] Rép : looping at the end of sample
Jean-Marie Adrien
- [PD] Rép : looping at the end of sample / SOLVED
Jean-Marie Adrien
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
Kaj Ailomaa
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fifteen Student Pure Data Projects
Nicholas Arner
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Matt Barber
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Pierre-Olivier Boulant
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Peter Brinkmann
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Peter Brinkmann
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Peter Brinkmann
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Peter Brinkmann
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Peter Brinkmann
- [PD] [PD-announce] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Julian Brooks
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Julian Brooks
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Julian Brooks
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Julian Brooks
- [PD] Adding support for "return" inside comments
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] installing Pd-extended on Linux (Mint 13) 64bit?
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] neural network for recognizing specific sounds?
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Chrissie Caulfield
- [PD] looping at the end of sample
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Rép : looping at the end of sample
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-dev] Cross Compiling External for Windows - Problem
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-dev] Cross Compiling External for Windows - Problem
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Multiple Pd patchers on one computer?
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-announce] Gemnotes 0.2
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-dev] Cross Compiling External for Windows - Problem
Patrice Colet
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Patrice Colet
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Patrice Colet
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Patrice Colet
- [PD] iemmatrix missing externals on win32
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Richie Cyngler
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fifteen Student Pure Data Projects
Freaky DNA
- [PD] Loading error on Mountain Lion
Leandro da Mota Damasceno
- [PD] Generative Space Sound + kinect
Leandro da Mota Damasceno
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Leandro da Mota Damasceno
- [PD] [PD-announce] eContact! 14.2 -- Biotech. Performance Practice / Pratiques de performance
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
James Dunn
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
James Dunn
- [PD] Textual pd primer
James Dunn
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
James Dunn
- [PD] Multiple Pd patchers on one computer?
Björn Eriksson
- [PD] Multiple Pd patchers on one computer?
Björn Eriksson
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Andy Farnell
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fifteen Student Pure Data Projects
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Fwd: textfile problem
- [PD] Stream of caracters to list of words
- [PD] [PD-announce] music technology faculty position at Georgia Tech
Jason Freeman
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Charles Goyard
- [PD] [PD-dev] Flext compiled objects in Pd 0.43.1 (fluid~ && py/pyext)
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Thomas Grill
- [PD] [flext] DFM1 on Raspbian
Thomas Grill
- [PD] UPP - Universal polyphonic player
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] patching readanysf~ (was: playing soundcloud files)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] patching readanysf~
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] beamforming, mic array and audio source localization
Charles Henry
- [PD] beamforming, mic array and audio source localization
Cyrille Henry
- [PD] Fwd: Call for Participation: live.code.festival @ IMWI Karlsruhe
- [PD] playing videos with sound /Gem ?
Dafydd Hughes
- [PD] gr-300 "simulation" (guitar/bass synthesizer)
Simon Iten
- [PD] "instantaneous" pitch follower
Simon Iten
- [PD] "instantaneous" pitch follower
Simon Iten
- [PD] [PD-announce] Installation ADM8 in Ars Electronica festival - Linz, Austria
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
- [PD] patching readanysf~
- [PD] looking for peak/notch pair
Jeppi Jeppi
- [PD] midifile+tempo control
Jeppi Jeppi
- [PD] Stream of caracters to list of words
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] [PD-announce] Gemnotes 0.2
Ed Kelly
- [PD] [PD-announce] Gemnotes 0.2
Ed Kelly
- [PD] [PD-announce] SIMULTAN 2012 | call for video submissions | deadline 15 sept. 2012
Levente Kozma
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Tilo Kremer
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Loading error on Mountain Lion
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Multiple instances of libpd
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Scott R. Looney
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Stephen Lucas
- [PD] MIDI not working
Joshan Mahmud
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Joshan Mahmud
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Pierre Massat
- [PD] raspberry-pidi (was Re: Textual pd primer)
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Pierre Massat
- [PD] patching readanysf~
Pierre Massat
- [PD] patching readanysf~
Pierre Massat
- [PD] patching readanysf~
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Gem grid and XYZ arrows
- [PD] Gem grid and XYZ arrows
- [PD] playing videos with sound /Gem ?
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
- [PD] beamforming, mic array and audio source localization
- [PD] GEM glsl
- [PD] [PD-dev] Cross Compiling External for Windows - Problem
Thomas Mayer
- [PD] [PD-dev] Cross Compiling External for Windows - Problem
Thomas Mayer
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Paul Money
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Paul Money
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] Pd/GEM on a tablet?
Iain Mott
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
András Murányi
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
András Murányi
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
András Murányi
- [PD] installing Pd-extended on Linux (Mint 13) 64bit?
Jared Nielsen
- [PD] installing Pd-extended on Linux (Mint 13) 64bit?
Jared Nielsen
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
Johanna Nowak
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
Johanna Nowak
- [PD] beamforming, mic array and audio source localization
Johanna Nowak
- [PD] spherical harmonics, laguerre, legendre polynomials and such
Johanna Nowak
- [PD] [PD-dev] Adding support for "return" inside comments
J Oliver
- [PD] [OT] Convocatoria Abierta para la nueva Red Andina de Video-Cursos en Música por Computadora
J Oliver
- [PD] best way of controlling 50 speakers with pd?
J Oliver
- [PD] Patching Circle Brussels @Constant/Variable #1
- [PD] pdgst and seek
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fifteen Student Pure Data Projects
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
João Pais
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
João Pais
- [PD] midifile+tempo control
Martin Peach
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Martin Peach
- [PD] Stream of caracters to list of words
Martin Peach
- [PD] beamforming, mic array and audio source localization
Martin Peach
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Filippo Peccoz
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
Filippo Beck Peccoz
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Greg Pond
- [PD] Pd-list Digest, Vol 89, Issue 6
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] ipoke~_v.3_test1 for Pd
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] Pd-list Digest, Vol 89, Issue 19
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Alexandre Torres Porres
- [PD] [PD-dev] Adding support for "return" inside comments
Miller Puckette
- [PD] [PD-dev] Adding support for "return" inside comments
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Miller Puckette
- [PD] MIDI not working
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Miller Puckette
- [PD] 0.43.2 on Mountain Lion
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Miller Puckette
- [PD] best way of controlling 50 speakers with pd?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Sam Raker
- [PD] (Tcl) Missing Close Brace error
Antonio Roberts
- [PD] spherical harmonics, laguerre, legendre polynomials and such
Alejandro D. Somoza
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Duncan Speakman
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Duncan Speakman
- [PD] Options for Pd on Raspberry Pi (was: Textual pd primer)
Duncan Speakman
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] installing Pd-extended on Linux (Mint 13) 64bit?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd Berlin Meeting 14. August
Malte Steiner
- [PD] Error installing Puredata from software center
Rick T
- [PD] Error installing Puredata from software center
Rick T
- [PD] Error installing Puredata from software center
Rick T
- [PD] [PD-announce] A Doctoral Student Position (Sound and Physical Interaction Research Group) open
Koray Tahiroglu
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
Eldad Tsabary
- [PD] Filter / array
Eldad Tsabary
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fwd: [cec-c] Concordia University, Montreal, Fulltime position in Electroacoustic Studies
Eldad Tsabary
- [PD] Wireless MIDI sync via OSC (on PD) - a video tutorial
Eldad Tsabary
- [PD] best way of controlling 50 speakers with pd?
José Rafael Subía Valdez
- [PD] Workshops: Extended View Toolkit at WORM/Rotterdam
Peter Venus
- [PD] Workshops: Extended View Toolkit at WORM/Rotterdam
Peter Venus
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
Joe White
- [PD] [PD-dev] Adding support for "return" inside comments
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Textual pd primer
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Simon Wise
- [PD] PD on Playstation 3?
Simon Wise
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] DFM1 on Raspbian
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd Vanilla on Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Options for Pd on Raspberry Pi (was: Textual pd primer)
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] raspberry-pidi (was Re: Textual pd primer)
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] raspberry-pidi (was Re: Textual pd primer)
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] raspberry-pidi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
Michael Zacherl
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
i go bananas
- [PD] pd-BErlin user meeting
servando barreiro
- [PD] best way of controlling 50 speakers with pd?
- [PD] Need idea about Audio Mixing
sunny chaudhary
- [PD] [PD-announce] SIMULTAN 2012 | call for video submissions | deadline 15 sept. 2012
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
alessandro contini
- [PD] playing soundcloud files
alessandro contini
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Stream of caracters to list of words
zmoelnig at
- [PD] raspberry-pidi (was Re: Textual pd primer)
zmoelnig at
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
kristof lauwers
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
kristof lauwers
- [PD] Pd-extended on the Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Gem w/ -nogui on Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Gem w/ -nogui on Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Pd on a headless Raspberry Pi
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
- [PD] neural network for recognizing specific sounds?
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
- [PD] Multiple instances of libpd
- [PD] Open midi files in PD Vanilla?
- [PD] Multiple instances of libpd
- [PD] UPP - Universal polyphonic player
- [PD] libPD and Unity status?
- [PD] "instantaneous" pitch follower
- [PD] Flext compiled objects in Pd 0.43.1 (fluid~ && py/pyext)
glerm soares
- [PD] [PD-dev] Flext compiled objects in Pd 0.43.1 (fluid~ && py/pyext)
glerm soares
- [PD] fluid~ ( footils ) seems not work at Pd 0.43.1
glerm soares
- [PD] Fwd: textfile problem
brandt at
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets
brandt at
- [PD] neural network for recognizing specific sounds?
umberto torrez
- [PD] best way of controlling 50 speakers with pd?
umberto torrez
- [PD] [PD-announce] Invitation to: Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V | An exhibition of work by Anthony Antonellis | Curated by Nora O' Murchú
- [PD] neural network for recognizing specific sounds?
tim vets
- [PD] playing videos with sound /Gem ?
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] readsf~ problem with 28-channel 256hz file
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Multiple Pd patchers on one computer?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] patching readanysf~
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Error installing Puredata from software center
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] variable number of outlets/inlets /dynamic patching
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Error installing Puredata from software center
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Gem w/ -nogui on Raspberry Pi
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] raspberry-pidi (was Re: Textual pd primer)
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] nightly builds going away for now
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] patching readanysf~
IOhannes m zmölnig
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 21:39:24 CEST 2012
Archived on: Mon Feb 18 16:00:54 CET 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).