January 2011 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Jan 1 00:44:31 CET 2011
Ending: Mon Jan 31 23:53:19 CET 2011
Messages: 607
- [PD] "canvas" ambiguity (stupid question)
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] "canvas" ambiguity (stupid question)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] "canvas" ambiguity (stupid question)
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] (OT) audio (but not only) software in ubuntu maverick
João Pais
- [PD] (OT) audio (but not only) software in ubuntu maverick
Derek Holzer
- [PD] (OT) audio (but not only) software in ubuntu maverick
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] (OT) audio (but not only) software in ubuntu maverick
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] 3dp?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] 3dp?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] 3dp?
ub at xdv.org
- [PD] 3dp?
Gustavo Junqueira
- [PD] [cos~] broken for moderately large inputs
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] [cos~] broken for moderately large inputs
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [ot] hosting service for a pure data project?
Athos Bacchiocchi
- [PD] [ot] hosting service for a pure data project?
- [PD] [ot] hosting service for a pure data project?
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] [ot] hosting service for a pure data project?
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd basic for multimedia workshop at HONF ID
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] [PD-announce] /dev/art/#5 in Paris with Jukka Hautamäki - Friday january, 21
- [PD] [PD-announce] /dev/art/#6 in Paris - chdh and Sébastien Bourdeauducq - Friday january, 28
jack at rybn.org
- [PD] [PD-announce] 3rd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics
Erika Olsen
- [PD] [PD-Announce] [OKNO] Pure Data Patching Circle meets Art's Birthday - reminder
- [PD] [PD-announce] [Pdmtl] two more gridflow fractal videos
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] [Pdmtl] two more gridflow fractal videos
- [PD] [PD-announce] [Pdmtl] two more gridflow fractal videos
- [PD] [PD-announce] [Pdmtl] Reminder: Call for proposals for CLIEC 2011 (deadline: Feb 1st) - live EA performances and paper presentations (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-Announce] Brussels Pure Data Patching circle - Okno - 30 Jan 2011 - reminder
- [PD] [PD-Announce] Brussels Pure Data Patching circle - Okno - 30 Jan 2011 - reminder
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] exquisite caos audio theory
oskoff lovich
- [PD] [PD-announce] exquisite caos audio theory
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [PD-announce] exquisite caos audio theory
Jarbas Jacome
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] flocons (fwd)
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [PD-announce] Fortieth meeting of the PureData Users Group of Montréal
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
Ben Baker-Smith
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
mark hadman
- [PD] [PD-announce] Infinite Glitch
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] [PD-announce] new gridflow fractal
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] new gridflow fractal
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
IEM - network operating center (IOhannes m zmoelnig)
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
IEM - network operating center (IOhannes m zmoelnig)
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
João Pais
- [PD] [PD-announce] news from the server admins
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.43 test 4 released
Miller Puckette
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.43 test 4 released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.43 test 4 released
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd basic for multimedia workshop at HONF ID
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-berlin meeting next tuesday, 18th January
João Pais
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd-l2ork 20110105 snapshot now available
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd-l2ork 20110105 snapshot now available
András Murányi
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd-l2ork 20110105 snapshot now available
Bernardo Barros
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd-l2ork 20110105 snapshot now available
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] [PD-announce] pd-l2ork 20110109 snapshot now available
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd/Max Patching Circle tomorrow 1/20, 6-10pm
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] Regenwald 2011: workshop/installation/performance @ Club Transmediale Berlin
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [PD-announce] Regenwald 2011: workshop/installation/performance @ Club Transmediale Berlin
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] [PD-announce] thirty-ninth meeting of the PureData Users Group of Montréal
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] Touring PD Music
a bernstein
- [PD] [PD-announce] two more gridflow fractal videos
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] two more gridflow fractal videos
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [PD-announce] two more gridflow fractal videos
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Husk 00
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
- [PD] [PD-OT] Am I alone?
Ilya D
- [PD] [PD-OT][Is: Re: Am I alone?]
- [PD] [PD-OT][Is: Re: Am I alone?]
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [PD-OT][Is: Re: Am I alone?]
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [Pd] Nordic Game Jam 2011 Competition: Game Jam Music Theme
Nevin Eronde
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Yvan Volochine
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Yvan Volochine
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
András Murányi
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
martin.peach at sympatico.ca
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Yvan Volochine
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Yvan Volochine
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Yvan Volochine
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Thomas Grill
- [PD] [pool] build fails on linux
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] [video] kinect + wii + puredata
philippe boisnard
- [PD] About external gui-s (and kiosk mode)
Athos Bacchiocchi
- [PD] About external gui-s (and kiosk mode)
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] About external gui-s (and kiosk mode)
Athos Bacchiocchi
- [PD] About external gui-s (and kiosk mode)
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] Am I alone?
Josh Moore
- [PD] Am I alone?
Ben Baker-Smith
- [PD] Am I alone?
Phil Stone
- [PD] Am I alone?
J. Simon van der Walt
- [PD] Am I alone?
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] Am I alone?
- [PD] Am I alone?
beatthefinalboss at gmail.com
- [PD] Am I alone?
Ricardo Lameiro
- [PD] Am I alone?
- [PD] Am I alone?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] Am I alone?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Am I alone?
Josh Moore
- [PD] Am I alone?
Josh Moore
- [PD] Am I alone?
Ricardo Lameiro
- [PD] Am I alone?
Derek Holzer
- [PD] Am I alone?
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Am I alone?
- [PD] Am I alone?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Am I alone?
Dominic Pflaum
- [PD] Am I alone?
- [PD] Am I alone?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] AudioGaming is hiring
Damien Henry
- [PD] avoiding collapse of freeverb
ronni montoya
- [PD] avoiding collapse of freeverb
Derek Holzer
- [PD] avoiding collapse of freeverb
Derek Holzer
- [PD] avoiding collapse of freeverb
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Body tracking
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] Body tracking
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] Body tracking
cyrille henry
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Body tracking
Husk 00
- [PD] Body tracking
cyrille henry
- [PD] Body tracking
cyrille henry
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] Body tracking
Mikael Fernstrom
- [PD] Body tracking
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Body tracking
Jaime Oliver
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Jaime Oliver
- [PD] Body tracking
- [PD] Body tracking
Ali H
- [PD] Building pd on Ubuntu 11.04, jack problem
- [PD] Building pd on Ubuntu 11.04, jack problem
- [PD] Capture video+audio from PD using XvidCap.
Dima Bak
- [PD] Capture video+audio from PD using XvidCap.
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Capture video+audio from PD using XvidCap.
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] change in compression detection
- [PD] change in compression detection
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] change in compression detection
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] change in compression detection
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] change in compression detection
Ludwig Maes
- [PD] change in compression detection
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] change in compression detection
Theron Trowbridge
- [PD] change in compression detection
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] change in compression detection
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] change in compression detection
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] change in compression detection
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] change in compression detection
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] change in compression detection
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Combining two audio signals
J bz
- [PD] Combining two audio signals
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] Combining two audio signals
J bz
- [PD] compiling Gstreamer
Adrian Riffo
- [PD] compiling Gstreamer
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] compiling Gstreamer
errordeveloper at gmail.com
- [PD] compiling Gstreamer
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] create musicxml or midi files from pd?
João Pais
- [PD] Cross-blending rectangles
Michael Karr
- [PD] Cross-blending rectangles
Gustavo Junqueira
- [PD] Cross-blending rectangles
Gustavo Junqueira
- [PD] cverb~
ronni montoya
- [PD] cw_binaural causes pd to crash
Labyrinthus Cochlearis
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
richard duckworth
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
richard duckworth
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Charles Henry
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Charles Henry
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Charles Henry
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] dissonance_curves_mod.pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Flossmanual is down
Nic Freed
- [PD] Flossmanual is down
- [PD] Flossmanual is down
- [PD] Flossmanual is down
Derek Holzer
- [PD] Flossmanual is down
- [PD] Fwd: lunix laptop studio with PD
dom kun
- [PD] Fwd: lunix laptop studio with PD
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] Fwd: lunix laptop studio with PD
dom kun
- [PD] Fwd: pdgst : unicast object?
Adrian Riffo
- [PD] Fwd: pdgst : unicast object?
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
John Harrison
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
Richie Cyngler
- [PD] Fwd: Re: wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
Ivica Ico Bukvic
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
Markus Demmel
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
Markus Demmel
- [PD] Gem [glsl_geometry]: need OpenGL-2.1
- [PD] Gem freeze on mac
IOhannes zmölnig
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
mark edward grimm
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
tim vets
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
tim vets
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Gemwin to multipage PDF?
mark edward grimm
- [PD] GPS Iphone tracking in PD? (kilshaw~)
Simon Kilshaw
- [PD] grdflow v4l2 error
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] help text not formatted very well?
Aaron L.
- [PD] help text not formatted very well?
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] help text not formatted very well?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] help text not formatted very well?
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] help text not formatted very well?
Derek Holzer
- [PD] HID in Ubuntu 10.04
Pierre Massat
- [PD] HID in Ubuntu 10.04
Pierre Massat
- [PD] HID in Ubuntu 10.04
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] HID in Ubuntu 10.04
Pierre Massat
- [PD] HPGL tools for drawing pd patches and more
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] HPGL tools for drawing pd patches and more
- [PD] HPGL tools for drawing pd patches and more
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] interaural time differences
ronni montoya
- [PD] interaural time differences
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] interaural time differences
- [PD] IP address in windows?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] IP address in windows?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] IP address in windows?
- [PD] IP address in windows?
- [PD] IP address in windows?
Pierre Massat
- [PD] IP address in windows?
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
ydegoyon at gmail.com
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] is pdp supposed to work?
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] iSight, pix_video, Mac Books Pro and Pd-extended 0.42.5
Vj Clouds Eleven
- [PD] JIM2011 - Appel à communications / Call for papers
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyword/regexp search of documentation in a plugin
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] libraries in Pd-extended 0.43
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
david medine
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
david medine
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
david medine
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] linking libs in extern development
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Thomas Mayer
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
João Pais
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Jaime Oliver
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Ricardo Lameiro
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Linux script to launch JACK and Pd at once
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] making a list for a matrix
mami music
- [PD] making a list for a matrix
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] msd puredyne errors
J bz
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays (fwd)
- [PD] Multi-dimensional arrays (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] multiblob example from gridflow and ps3 eye camera
- [PD] multiblob example from gridflow and ps3 eye camera
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] multiblob example from gridflow and ps3 eye camera
Michal Seta
- [PD] multiblob example from gridflow and ps3 eye camera
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Dominic Pflaum
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Eduardo Patricio
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Bo Parker
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Music Made with Pd
Bo Parker
- [PD] Musical notation object on Pd
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Musical notation object on Pd
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Musical notation object on Pd
J bz
- [PD] Musical notation object on Pd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Musical notation object on Pd
Ed Kelly
- [PD] netpd-now
- [PD] netpd-now
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] netpd-now
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [PD] optimizing big patches
ronni montoya
- [PD] optimizing big patches
João Pais
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Michael Matthews
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Bastiaan van den Berg
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Ludwig Maes
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] optimizing big patches
András Murányi
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] optimizing big patches
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] other ideas for inlet/outlet in complex patches
ronni montoya
- [PD] other ideas for inlet/outlet in complex patches
João Pais
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Xavier Miller
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Xavier Miller
- [PD] Pager in documentation
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Xavier Miller
- [PD] Pager in documentation
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Pager in documentation
- [PD] Pager in documentation
Xavier Miller
- [PD] Partial read
- [PD] Partial read
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] partikkel and pd
ronni montoya
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Ben Baker-Smith
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Markus Demmel
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Markus Demmel
- [PD] Pd convention~ Application
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Bernardo Barros
- [PD] pd in mac app store
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Bernardo Barros
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Alexandre Porres
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Derek Holzer
- [PD] pd in mac app store
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Bernardo Barros
- [PD] pd in mac app store
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd in mac app store
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Andy Farnell
- [PD] pd in mac app store
- [PD] pd in mac app store
Bernardo Barros
- [PD] PD L2Ork 20110101 snapshot now available
Ivica Ico Bukvic
Jose Luis Santorcuato
Jose Luis Santorcuato
Markus Demmel
Jose Luis Santorcuato
Markus Demmel
Markus Demmel
Jose Luis Santorcuato
Markus Demmel
Jose Luis Santorcuato
Jose Luis Santorcuato
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] pd quine?
- [PD] pd quine?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] pd quine?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] pd quine?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd quine?
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] pd quine?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] pd quine?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd quine?
- [PD] pd quine?
Jonathan Wilkes
- [PD] pd quine?
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] pd quine?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] pd quine?
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] pd quine?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd quine?
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pierre Massat
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
John Harrison
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-extended and Firefox
- [PD] Pd-list Digest, Vol 70, Issue 6
hans w. koch
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Kim Cascone
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Kim Cascone
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Kim Cascone
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Kim Cascone
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Kim Cascone
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Aaron L.
- [PD] Pd-X update confusion
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] pd/veejay/vims
Pagano, Patrick
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
Daniel Roviriego
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
benjamin 01xy
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
Jose Luis Santorcuato
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
benjamin 01xy
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
benjamin 01xy
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
IOhannes zmölnig
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
Daniel Roviriego
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
- [PD] pdp_vloopback ?
IOhannes zmölnig
- [PD] Picture to Audio to Array
Moritz Schell
- [PD] Picture to Audio to Array
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] ping? site down?
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] pix_record problem
Michael Karr
- [PD] pix_record problem
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pix_record problem
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] pix_set / pix_gain weirdness
- [PD] pix_video dialog / dimen is not setting anything under windows
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pix_video dialog / dimen is not setting anything under windows
Markus Demmel
- [PD] position of object with rotation
philippe boisnard
- [PD] position of object with rotation
cyrille henry
- [PD] position of object with rotation
philippe boisnard
- [PD] position of object with rotation
cyrille henry
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
ZÉ Oliveira
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
- [PD] problem conecting PD and (multi chanel) alesis multimix 18... works on Max.
ZÉ Oliveira
- [PD] puredata+kinect
philippe boisnard
- [PD] puredata+kinect
alessandro contini
- [PD] puredata+kinect (links + zip)
philippe boisnard
- [PD] puredata+kinect (links + zip)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] puredata+kinect (links + zip)
Jordi Sala
- [PD] puredata+kinect (links + zip)
philippe boisnard
- [PD] question about clip and reverb
ronni montoya
- [PD] question about clip and reverb
IOhannes m zmölnig
- [PD] question about clip and reverb
Andy Farnell
- [PD] question about clip and reverb
errordeveloper at gmail.com
- [PD] question about csound and pd
ronni montoya
- [PD] question about csound and pd
martin.peach at sympatico.ca
- [PD] question about pd tutorial
Aaron L.
- [PD] R: Re: [ot] hosting service for a pure data project?
Athos Bacchiocchi
- [PD] readanysf~ 0.43 test builds for Mac OS X
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] readanysf~ 0.43 test builds for Mac OS X
- [PD] readanysf~ 0.43 test builds for Mac OS X
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] readPartial
- [PD] readPartial
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Really random random from date and time
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Really random random from date and time
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Really random random from date and time
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Really random random from date and time
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Really random random from date and time
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] recreate a sound
adam sanches
- [PD] Resize Gem window - text GROWS
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Resize Gem window - text GROWS
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] SBLive! and surround sound
Tyler Leavitt
- [PD] setting caps in pdgst_dac~
Ben Baker-Smith
- [PD] sigmund~ constant noise problem
Shaul Tzemach
- [PD] sigmund~ constant noise problem
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] sigmund~ constant noise problem
Pierre Massat
- [PD] sonyfing this function with fexrp~
ronni montoya
- [PD] sonyfing this function with fexrp~
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] sound card preferences
- [PD] sound card preferences
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] sound card preferences
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] spinning sounds around the listener
ronni montoya
- [PD] spinning sounds around the listener
Pedro Lopes
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
João Pais
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Dario Pedrioli
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
João Pais
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
João Pais
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
João Pais
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] standard encoding of pd files in each system?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Strange bug between GEM and MSD ?
- [PD] Strange bug between GEM and MSD ?
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] Strange bug between GEM and MSD ?
- [PD] String manipulation?
Andrew Faraday
- [PD] String manipulation?
- [PD] String manipulation?
Lorenzo Sutton
- [PD] tempo midi syncing...?
- [PD] tempo midi syncing...?
William Brent
- [PD] The (not) doppler distortion (was: overdriven speaker)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] theora stream in/out PD - any working version of pdp_icedthe~ ?
- [PD] trouble with library paths
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] two more gridflow fractal videos
Marco Donnarumma
- [PD] ubuntu/ubuntustudio 10.10 pd pd-extended?
J. Simon van der Walt
- [PD] ubuntu/ubuntustudio 10.10 pd pd-extended?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] unix laptop studio with PD
dom kun
- [PD] unix laptop studio with PD
Pierre Massat
- [PD] unix laptop studio with PD
- [PD] Where to download PDDP manuals ?
Xavier Miller
- [PD] where to find $ args
Rich E
- [PD] where to find $ args
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] where to find $ args
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] where to find $ args
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] where to find $ args
Rich E
- [PD] wiimote crashes with moderate cpu load and/or heavy USB transfer
John Harrison
- [PD] wiimote external and balance board - a quick test
Athos Bacchiocchi
- [PD] window-switching on OSX?
- [PD] work-shop Angoulême France 22-23 janvier
philippe boisnard
- [PD] workshop pd in brazil
Ricardo Brazileiro
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Gabbroral Complex
- [PD] [PD-announce] XmiX
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] zero crossing
ronni montoya
- [PD] zero crossing
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] zero crossing
Dietrich Pank
- [PD] zero crossing
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] zero crossing
Dietrich Pank
- [PD] zero crossing
Ed Kelly
- [PD] zero crossing
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] zero crossing
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] zero crossing
Pierre Massat
- [PD] zero crossing
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] zero crossing
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] zero crossing
Dietrich Pank
- [PD] zero crossing
Frank Barknecht
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 23:53:19 CET 2011
Archived on: Sat Feb 19 20:31:33 CET 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).